If you want to buy a copy of "How to Read a Book" at Xinhua Bookstore, you can follow the following steps: 1 Find a bookstore: If you know a bookstore in your city or nearby, you can go to the bookstore's official website or social media account in advance to find out their contact information, bookshelf layout, and other information to better choose a bookstore. 2. Browsing the bookshelves: When you arrive at the bookstore, you can go to the bookshelves to browse the books on the bookshelves to see if there is a book you need. 3. Ask the shop assistant: After walking around the bookshelf area, if you find a book you want, you can ask the shop assistant for the contact information of the book or ask them to recommend some similar books. 4. Choose the purchase method: After communicating with the shop assistant, you can choose the purchase method according to your own needs, such as placing an order online or buying on the spot. How to Read a Book is a guide on how to read books effectively. It is usually categorized as a book about reading or reading books.