The answer to the reading comprehension of the prince in distress was as follows: The story usually described a prince who encountered difficulties for some reason and gradually grew up and regained his life in adversity. Under such circumstances, a prince who was in trouble was usually seen as a challenging character with potential for growth. A prince in distress may experience various challenges and difficulties, such as betrayal, loss of family, misunderstanding, imprisonment, or torture. These experiences would make him feel lonely, lost, desperate, or angry, but they would also make him realize his weaknesses and mistakes. However, the prince who was in trouble would usually show tenacity, courage, wisdom, perseverance, kindness, and other qualities in this process. He would continue to work hard, seek help, seek hope and light, and finally obtain victory and success. In this case, the prince who was in trouble would usually become an inspirational and inspirational character to encourage readers to persevere and move forward in the face of setbacks and difficulties.