Cyber language refers to the short, shortened, and spoken language used in the network environment. It is usually a combination of some letters or numbers, sometimes with a precondition or a postfix. Here are some common online phrases: 1LOL:Laugh Out Loud is an expression used to describe a loud laugh. 2BrB: The contraction for Be Right Back is often used to indicate that you will answer when you are back. 3btw:By The way is often used to indicate that you want to interrupt or add an irrelevant detail. 4OMG:Out Of My Mind is a very common way of expressing shock or amazement. IDK:I Don't Know is often used to indicate a lack of information or an inability to know the answer. 6FYI:For Your Information is an initialism that is often used to indicate that the information provided is not guaranteed to be accurate. 7.'In My Humble Opination', which is an initialism used to express one's own opinion. 8FYI:For Your Information is an initialism that is often used to indicate that the information provided is not guaranteed to be accurate. 9btw:By The way is often used to indicate that you want to interrupt or add an irrelevant detail. 10AFK: Away From the Keyboard is often used to indicate a temporary departure before answering. These online terms were very popular in the online environment and were often used to express various emotions and attitudes.