The copyright protection of a photographic work depends on the country or region it belongs to. Generally speaking, the copyright of a photographic work can be protected in the following ways: 1. Maintain copyright notice: The author can declare his copyright in the work before it is published. This could help websites, social media platforms, or other interested parties better understand the copyright status of works. 2. Use of copyright permission: No third party is allowed to use the work without the permission of the copyright owner. If the use of the work requires authorization, the author needs to pay the copyright owner a license fee. 3. Note the copyright status: When the work is published, the author should indicate the copyright status to avoid violating the rights of others. 4. Protect the integrity of the work: When the work is published, the author should ensure the integrity of the work and avoid any unauthorized modification or removal. 5. Avoiding copyright violation: An author should avoid using an unauthorized work or using another person's work as his own. The copyright protection of photography works required the author to be cautious and abide by relevant laws and regulations when creating. If the copyright owner discovers that the work has been violated, they have the right to take legal action to protect their rights.