The fees for writing novels online usually varied according to the quality, popularity, and publication of the novel. Under normal circumstances, authors could earn royalties by submitting their manuscripts to websites or publishing houses. The website would usually calculate the remuneration based on the number of words, clicks, and reading time of the novel. Some large websites would also provide publishing services to authors, such as publishing e-books or physical books, and pay them royalties. The publishing house would pay the royalties based on the quality of the novel and the publication status. The fees of the publishing houses were also different. Some would pay according to the number of words, while others would pay according to the number of chapters. There were two main ways to earn money from writing online novels: submitting to a website or a publishing house, or publishing one's own novel and selling it on the market. In order to earn money, authors needed to constantly improve their writing skills to satisfy readers and strive for more praise and money.