Detective Conan was a very popular mystery animated film in Japan. Its TV and movie versions were widely welcomed. The following is the Detective Conan TV version and the theater version of the play in order: TV Version: Detective Conan (2001) Two Detective Conan (2005) Three Detective Conan (2006) Four Detective Conan (2007) Five Detective Conan (2009) Six Detective Conan (2010) Seven Detective Conan (2011) 8 Detective Conan (2013) Nine Detective Conan (2015) 10 Detective Conan (2016) 11 Detective Conan (2017) 12 Detective Conan (2019) Movie version: Detective Conan: The Labyrinth of Crossroads (2005) Two Detective Conan: Silver Wing's Magician (2007) Three Detective Conan: The Detective's Requiem (2009) Detective Conan: The Dark Pursuer (2010) Detective Conan: Fifteen Minutes of Silence (2011) Detective Conan: Death's Dice (2013) Seven Detective Conan: Ship in the Sky (2015) 8 Detective Conan: The Detective's Battle (2016) 9 Detective Conan: The Detective of the Ocean (2017) 10 Detective Conan: The Fight of the Detective (2019) The above is the TV version and the movie version of Detective Conan. If you have any other questions, please let me know.