One Piece Doujinshi novels similar to One Piece are recommended as follows: 1 One Piece: Endless Pirates: This novel tells the story of a pirate group called Endless Pirates. Their goal is to find the legendary "One Piece" and embark on an adventure at sea. 2 One Piece: The Pirate King: This novel tells the story of a pirate named "Pirate King". He became a legendary figure in the pirate world and led his pirate team to adventure at sea. 3 One Piece: The Sea King: This novel tells the story of an adventurer named Sea King. He is a young pirate with excellent sailing skills and combat skills. Before becoming a Pirate King, he has been looking for new adventure opportunities. 4 One Piece: Pirate's Treasure: This novel tells the story of a pirate group called Pirate's Treasure. Their goal is to find the legendary pirate's treasure and embark on an adventure at sea. 5 One Piece: The World of Pirates: This novel tells the story of a pirate named "The World of Pirates". He became a legendary figure in the pirate world and led his pirate team to adventure at sea.