Gone with the Wind was a long novel written by Ohara of the United States, first published in 1936. The story was set in the 19th century during the American Civil War. It mainly told the story of the heroine, Ohara, who grew up from a small village in the south to the upper class of society. She was born in a poor family, but she was very smart and hardworking, showing great talent since she was young. She worked in the family factory and taught herself reading, writing, and music. Her intelligence and hard work made her an excellent worker in the factory and won the favor of the factory leaders. After the end of the Civil War, the factory she worked in was closed down and she lost her job. In order to survive, she went to the North to join the cotton plantation of the Ohara family. In the process, she met her cousin, Rhett Ohara, and they became good friends.