The Shawshank Redemption was a novel written by Stephen King, first published in 1994. The novel mainly tells the story of Andy Dufresne, who was wrongly convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, as well as his experience in Shawshank Prison. In the novel, Andy met a prisoner named "Red" in prison, who gradually became the leader of the prison. In addition, the novel also described the lives of other prisoners, including their conflicts and struggles, as well as the corruption and incompetence of the prison management. In the end, Andy discovered the problems in the prison through his continuous efforts and thinking, and proposed solutions. The prison management began to pay attention to the quality of life and mental health of the prisoners. Andy finally won his freedom through his wisdom and courage. The novel takes Andy's escape from prison as the background. Through the description of the prisoners in prison, it shows the complexity of human nature and the absurdity of the prison system. At the same time, it also shows the author's pursuit of freedom and justice.