The future world, Earth, had been destroyed, and humans could only survive in space. A young astronaut named Isaac dreamed of becoming a scientist and exploring the depths of the universe. During a mission, Isaac discovered a strange planet with a strange life form. He decided to go and study it, but soon he found that these life forms were not friendly and even tried to attack him. Isaac used his scientific knowledge and skills to protect himself and learn to communicate with these creatures. Isaac discovered that these lifeforms came from a distant galaxy, and their goal was to find a new home. Isaac decided to help them and go with them to that system. During their journey, they met and communicated with life forms from other planets. In the end, they finally found a new home. There were countless planets in this galaxy, and each planet had different life forms. Isaac and his companions started a new life in this new home and became an important part of it. They learned to adapt to this new environment and coexist peacefully with other life forms. In this new home, they found that life was infinite, and everyone could become the creator and the link between the creators.