The professional terms used in reasoning included but were not limited to: 1. logical reasoning: the process of drawing conclusions by analyzing logical relationships. Evidence-based reasoning: The process of drawing conclusions by collecting evidence and analyzing the relationship between the evidence. Deductive reasoning: The process of deducing specific situations from general principles. Inductive reasoning: The process of deducing general principles from specific situations. Pattern recognition: The process of identifying new patterns by analyzing data patterns. [6] statistics: the process of drawing conclusions by collecting data and analyzing the relationships between the data. 7. Psychological reasoning: The process of inferring a person's behavior or mental state through their psychological characteristics. Detective Reasoning: The process of deducing the truth by analyzing the relationship between clues. 9. Social Psychology: The study of the sociocultural background factors of human behavior and thinking. 10. Philosophic reasoning: The process of deducing the truth by thinking about the nature of the universe and the meaning of human existence.