
How many words must a novel have to be made into a movie?

2024-07-16 19:33
1 answer

The number of words in a novel that was made into a movie was not a fixed number. It depended on the length and content of the movie. Normally, the length of a movie would be between two to six hours, and the depth and complexity of the movie's content would also affect the word count. For example, if a novel," One Hundred Years of Solitude," had 11 million words and was adapted into a movie that was only 90 minutes long, then a large number of plots and details would need to be deleted to reduce the number of words. Similarly, the novel Dream of the Red Chamber only had about 870,000 words, but because the movie was 120 minutes long, it needed to insert a lot of dialogue and description, resulting in an increase in the number of words. Therefore, the number of words in a movie depended on the length and content of the movie.

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