The theme of resilience is also prominent. The characters in her stories often face various challenges such as discrimination and cultural loss, but they show great strength in persevering and maintaining their cultural values. For instance, they might resist assimilation and hold on to their native languages and traditions. Another important theme is the power of storytelling itself. Through the act of telling stories, the characters are able to pass on their history, values, and wisdom from one generation to another.
One main theme is identity. It explores how individuals within indigenous communities define themselves in relation to their culture, family, and the outside world.
The themes in 'lee maracle short stories' also include the relationship between the generations. There are often portrayals of how the older generations pass on their knowledge and experiences to the younger ones, and at the same time, how the younger generations adapt and bring new perspectives to the traditional ways of life. It shows a dynamic and evolving relationship within the indigenous communities.