The user groups of online literature mainly included the following characteristics: 1. Age distribution: Most users of online literature are between the ages of 18 and 35. This age group is more active and has a higher acceptance of online literature. 2. The gender distribution of online literature users is relatively balanced. The ratio of men to women is about 50:50. 3. Education level: The education level of online literature users is relatively wide, ranging from high school to graduate students and doctors. 4. Level of income: The income level of online literature users is relatively high. Most users have stable jobs and sources of income. 5. Hobbies: Online literature users have a wide range of interests, including literature, history, science fiction, fantasy, romance, and so on. 6. Regional distribution: The geographical distribution of online literature users is relatively balanced. They are mainly in China but also include some overseas readers. Reading frequency: The frequency of online literature users is relatively high. Most users will read some online novels every day.