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2017-12-25 Joined Philippines

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Yes... helps 'productivity' for sure. Haha

He was sitting behind a table made of marijuana wood, known for its characteristic of releasing a pine-like, fresh forest aroma, positively affecting the brain and helping improve productivity.

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

Fantasy · DurcalAka


LOL. He is already possessive, but he will have to abandon her once he leaves the clan.

'She has quite an attractive face, but attractive women are usually the most poisonous. Not everyone's like my Anna. Let's sound her out before coming to any conclusion.' Valerius thought.

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

Fantasy · DurcalAka


Haha! Eye candy indeed! This girl has her priorities right. LOL

'My master's appearance is unrivaled, akin to an immortal who had stepped right out of a painting. Only a fool would think that serving such eye candy is a loss.'

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

Fantasy · DurcalAka


LOL. This is what happens when you show off for no rea reason. Haha

Considering how swiftly he had done it, they were led to believe that Valerius might possess one of the nine divine physiques.

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

Fantasy · DurcalAka


MC is a bit of an idiot? It looks like he got infected by the proud peacock attitude of typical Chinese wuxia/xianxia MC's. Truly regretable.

Valerius too felt it as he neared the circle, and his pace decreased, but he quickly invested another point into his strength, bringing his pace back to its original level. 

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book!

Fantasy · DurcalAka


I really wanted to like this novel, but the poor presentation really detracts to the enjoyment. The main issue is that the novel consistently taunts its readers with vague smart sounding words to describe the power system used by this world, but doesn't actually explain what any of it means! You have to constantly infer what anything does based on how its named and how the MC sometimes show it. It takes so much effort to understand the underlying principles involved I feel like I'm studying for my finals exam. Also, while the MC is supposed to be a smart/scheming character archetype a lot of the things happening in the novel is just him going along with the flow of events and even when he wins or achieves his current goal it does not really leave a satisfying feeling for the reader. It feels more like 'Ah, as expected... moving on.'. Just like we are going through a checklist. Uninspired and does not get the blood boiling. Also based on the title the MC is supposed to do 'unscientific' things and as a running gag some side characters sometimes say what is happening is no scientific as if magic is supposed to be scientific in the first place. Which is cool? But why is it unscientific? We never know because as I first mentioned the power system is never explained. So in effect the reader does not know what is supposed to scientific in the first place! The novel treats itself really seriously and the MC is a flat and boring character. A typical hiding his powers until he can show from time to time personality, but its badly done so even when he does show off it does not really feel like some sort of climax/important event. Overall a complete waste of time, there are dozens of better made mage type stories out there and I wouldn't recommend this unless if you really have nothing else to read.


Ah. Not a dracolich, but a dying old man instead. Umu

Bruce made no effort to conceal his transformation. Bursting forth from the dungeon as a green dragon, he quickly surfaced above ground, where Sarbron followed suit shortly after, reverting to his original draconic form. Sarbron was an ancient creature, over 700 years old, and without the ascension to godhood or achieving the status of an ancient dragon soon, his life would draw to a close within mere decades.

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Fantasy · Rqmk


Is Sarbron a dracolich of some sort? I assume that's what the MC meant when he cautioned him from achieving godhood while an undead. Looks like Vecna is not a thing here. LOL

"Golden dragon Sarbron, I'd advise you to abandon your futile aspirations for godhood. It's akin to courting death as an undead. Tell me where you're holding the blue dragon Martha, and I might grant you a merciful end," Bruce countered coolly, emboldened by the ancient wisdom of the eternal stars that now coursed through his veins, ready to challenge this formidable foe.

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Fantasy · Rqmk


Who the heck would assume someone is eating those spiders? They are presumably talking about another human here!

Hogg's musings about space containers offered a semblance of rationale to the bewildering spectacle, albeit hinting at the necessity of considerable wealth to possess such resources. "But how did the other party take these things away? There is no such a large space container that can hold these demon spider corpses at the same time." At this time, Hogg had an idea in his mind that even he could not believe: "Could it be that Were these demon spiders instantly devoured by the strong man from before?"

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Fantasy · Rqmk


LOL. Sounds just like how one would ignore all the bad qualities of one's crush. Haha

Luke Bick, caught between admiration and frustration, saw Bruce's acceptance as a necessary alliance with a powerful yet mercenary ally. Meanwhile, Wema's gaze upon Bruce carried a mix of disdain and resignation, her feelings complex. She saw in Bruce the green dragon's notorious traits, cunning, avarice, and a certain shameless opportunism that she had once despised. Yet, now after getting along with his for so long, she found herself less repulsed to these actions.

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Fantasy · Rqmk


What the heck are rangers?

As Bruce awoke, his gaze immediately met Clinton's, who offered a knowing smile as if unraveling a secret tale. The glint in Clinton's eyes as he seem to weave a narrative of his own of forbidden love, silently suggesting that Bruce and Weima were star-crossed lovers, possibly eloping against their families' wishes. The age-old story of wealthy heiresses running away with dashing, yet financially lacking, rangers seemed to play out before him, with Weima's radiant beauty and air of nobility fitting the role perfectly.

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Fantasy · Rqmk


Yes, we are fighting ice zombies so first spell I will use will be an ice spell! You know just in case they are weak to their own element...

Luke swiftly retaliated with an ice cone spell, attempting to halt their charge. The White Walkers, nimble despite their appearance, evaded with ease. One, less fortunate, was impaled but astonishingly continued its assault even after falling.

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Fantasy · Rqmk

Replied to Anubesetesh

I'm just as confused! Was there a missing chapter?

Upon hearing Bruce's declaration, Lohasha was taken aback. However, his experiences, forged by his life living on a blades edge, had honed him into a formidable adversary not so easily deterred.

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Fantasy · Rqmk


Where did this dragonborn esque soul swallowing technique come from?

As Bruce's voice faded, a visible dark wave expanded from him, a barrier that seemed to wail and hiss as it came into contact with the invisible souls of the fallen. Cliff could only watch in awe as Bruce, with a mere breath, drew in the essence of countless lives, their energies funneling into him like streams converging into a mighty river.

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

Fantasy · Rqmk


Huh. That's strange.


When he opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar room. He could smell the scent of chemicals and medicines.

Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Urban · NoWoRRyMaN


Nize! Looks like he learned from his mistake from the last time.

Due to the use of mana during the attack, the sword easily pierced the hyena's eye, penetrating all the way to its brain, instantly destroying it.

Necromancer Of The Shadows

Necromancer Of The Shadows

Fantasy · Zero_writer

Replied to MagnusBonaparte

LOL. IKR? Did we skip a million chapters or something?

Including this time, he would be reincarnating into this world for the third time.

The Wizard Path From The Simulator

The Wizard Path From The Simulator

Eastern · Baa Sheep Sheep Sheep

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