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4.28% The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale / Chapter 1: 1 – Congratulations!

Chapter 1: 1 – Congratulations!

I died. No hero's dead, just a normal one. One day I was involved in a car accident and died at the tender age of 25. The last thought in my mind was, ' I should've spent more time doing the things I wanted...'

At that time, I liked reading, playing video games, and sometimes football. But I didn't manage to enjoy it because I wasted all my time studying.

' If I had more time... if I had one more chance...'

Then darkness consumed me.



After what I thought was an eternity, I saw a light. ' Is this the famous light at the end of the tunnel?'

I tried to turn around, to run from it, but to no avail. With no other option, I went in the direction of the light.

What I didn't expect was that the light was not my end, but a new beginning.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed I was being held by a doctor with a worried expression, ' So I survived the accident...?'

' No, wait a minute!'

I tried to talk but what came out was a cry. '... What the fuck! I am a baby!?'

The surrounding doctors finally relaxed their faces, '' Congratulation, it's a boy.''

At first, the doctors were worried because the baby came out and didn't cry. But after a few moments, the baby cried, and they were relieved.

The woman, who I supposed was my mother, held me in her arms.

She was crying, and the man at her side, presumably my father, said, '' He has your face.''

'' No, he's just like you.''

They traded compliments until my supposed mom asked, '' How should we name him?''

My ' father' thought for a while, '' How about ... ''


8 years later

'' Jonathan, dinner is ready.''

I, the famous Jonathan, yelled, '' COMING!''

'It's been 8 years since I was 'born' here. At first, it was weird living as a child all over again... I pooped myself so many times it's embarrassing to talk about. Anyway, as my mind was not 8 years old, it was difficult at first to make friends of my age, but after some time, I managed to calm my emotions and lived a somewhat normal childhood.'

'' What do we have for dinner?'' Jonathan asked his mother, Natalie.

'' We have dinner.'' Natalie presented the dinner for me.

It was pasta with ... pasta.

Jonathan raised his brow at his mom and was about to say something, but he changed his mind after he saw her face, '' It looks good! Thanks, mom.''

Natalie was satisfied with this answer and sat down to have dinner with Jonathan.

'' What about dad?''

A regretful expression went across Natalie's face, '' He will be late today, honey. Some emergency occurred at work, and he won't be here soon.''

''Oh, okay then.'' Jonathan started to eat the pasta while thinking his father wasn't present most of the time.

' I guess it was expected, as he was a fireman. Almost every day it is just me, and Natalie.'

The duo ate dinner in peace. After Jonathan finished eating, he asked his mom, '' Can I use the computer today, mom? Pretty please!''

Natalie was about to reject, but when she saw the puppy face her son was making, she sighed, '' Okay, okay. But you only have 2 hours!''

'' Hurray! Thanks, mom!'' Jonathan hugged his mom and went to turn on the PC.

After turning on the PC, and noticing that his mom wasn't looking, Jonathan opened a hidden folder in the computer. There he wrote down the most important events that happened in his past life, and that he managed to remember.

Oh yeah, Jonathan, as soon as he could, searched the internet for the old him but found nothing. What he found, though, was that the events of his old life were the same as this new one.

Jonathan's past self died in 2025, so he had a lot of information.

So he saw an opportunity to make money. Of course, as he was just a kid, he couldn't make bets and passed most of the time giving his father tips on who would win a certain thing, but the money made from that was minimal, as his father didn't bet heavily.

So, Jonathan decided to do things on his own, starting today.

Jonathan accessed the site his dad uses to bet and checked to see if he was logged in. ' Let's see if dad's account is logged... Yes, it is!'

The year was 2018, and he remembered some games and how they went, and to his luck, the finals of the Champions League were tomorrow, ' NICE! Let's see who won ... '

After checking his folder and noticing that Real Madrid won the finals, Jonathan went all in. Everything that he put there would be multiplied by 3x. Jonathan's dad had 3.000 dollars on the site, so by tomorrow night, the account would have 9.000.

'Let's just hope my father doesn't see this until the game ends...'



Jonathan was taking a nap when he heard his father, Daniel, yelling from the computer area.

Jonathan woke up instantly,' So he noticed I bet all his money... let's make a puppy face. Besides, I know that we will win, I just have to convince him to not close the bet.'

After Jonathan went to the computer area, he noticed his parents discussing in silence.

'' Was it you!?''

'' What are you talking about?'' Natalie was genuinely surprised.

'' The money on the site! All of it was put on a game, and I didn't use the computer.''

Natalie then remembered that she let Jonathan use the computer yesterday, ' Maybe it was Jonathan? But he wasn't supposed to know how to use the betting site...'

'' It was me.'' The couple looked at the boy.

Daniel was about to explode on the boy, but he refrained himself, '' Buddy, why did you do it?''

'' I had a dream that Real Madrid would win by 3-1, so when I was using the site for fun, I unintentionally put all of the money on the bet... I'm sorry.'' Jonathan went to his mother and hugged her.

When Daniel noticed that Jonathan was scared, he started to think, ' Sigh... it was the fun money I had accumulated for a year, but I supposed I could lose it.'

'' Come here, buddy.'' Daniel called Jonathan.

Jonathan, after noticing his dad wasn't mad anymore, timidly went to his father.

'' Look, I'm not mad anymore. It was a mistake on my part, and you have no fault. I shouldn't have left my account logged nor left the betting site open.'' Daniel reassured Jonathan again.

Natalie looked at the scenes, '' It was my fault as well. I LET him use the computer. I'm sorry, honey.''

'' As I said, no problem. It was a mistake.''

The family hugged. After some time, Jonathan suddenly said, '' But I'm sure Real Madrid will win by 3-1...''

' He said it again..' Daniel asked, '' How can you be so sure, buddy?''

'' I trust my dreams.''

Daniel was spechelless.


After the whole ordeal was over, Daniel went to the site again, ' If I close it now, I still got 1.000 dollars back... but if I trust Jonathan...'

Comparing the options, Daniel decided to trust Jonathan, ' Ah, fuck it! It's fun money anyway, and Jonathan was right a couple of times before.'

Daniel then noticed that the game was about to start and went to watch the game. He decided to call Natalie to watch with him, '' Honey! The game that will make us rich will begin soon.''

Natalie chuckled and sat beside Daniel,'' Are you really okay?''

'' Yeah, don't worry. It's not that much anyway.''

The couple chatted some more and waited. Soon the game started, and then...

'' Goallllll!''

'' Goalllll!''

After the game ended, the couple looked at each other in disbelief, '' It was 3-1, just like Jonathan said..''

The couple then went to talk with Jonathan, who was in his room, '' Honey ... can you tell me more about your dreams?''

Jonathan smiled internally, ' The fish got the bait!'



After telling my father more things I knew, I told him about Bitcoin.

We bought a lot, and we made big. Now we have money for 4 generations or more.

Jonathan lived his childhood as a prince, Daniel quit his job and started to travel the world, and Natalie followed her husband. Jonathan preferred to stay at home, playing video games and reading.

It was a normal day, his parents traveling the world while Jonathan was playing his Ps5 at home when suddenly, a voice in his head overwhelmed all his thoughts, 'DETECTING THAT THE APOCALYPSE IS STARTING IN 3 DAYS! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU FOR OWNING THE ONE AND ONLY APOCALYPSE SHOP, WHERE YOU CAN BUY FOOD, WEAPONS, AMMO AND MANY OTHER THINGS TO HELP YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY!'

Jonathan dropped his controller on the floor and looked in disbelief at the 'SHOP' interface in front of him.

Dumbfounded, Jonathan yelled, '' WHAT THE FUCK!!!!?''

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