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Chapter 1: CHAPTER 1

*Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment*

*I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?*

*Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with*

*You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so*

Groaning Ariana slowly opened her eyes and looked around the white painted bedroom regretting why she let Dalton talk her into getting a sound system for their bedroom.

She was greeted by the sight of Dalton twirling like a ballerina she chuckled and said

"Did you have to wake me up so early with your horrible dancing?"

"Well we've been married for almost a year now I guess it's time to start annoying you as old couples do and besides it's the loud music that woke you not my dancing because you know I dance like an angel"

Ariana laughed out loud

"How did I end up with an idiot like you?"

Dalton stopped dancing and smiled he walked over to the king-size bed and sat next to her

"Well I'm charming I am really good-looking and you have great taste you are smart and very beautiful it just made sense we got together"

She blushed deeply and Dalton passionately kissed her and said

"Go and brush your teeth then come down for breakfast you have morning breath"Ariana pouted and shoved him off the bed she covered herself with the duvet

"I'd like to see you make me get up"

Dalton laughed and dragged the duvet away from Ariana and ran away with it.

Ariana laughed and sighed she lay down for a few more minutes thinking how lucky she was to end up with Dalton.

Ariana finally dragged herself from the and entered the bathroom. She entered the bathroom turned towards the mirror and smiled a goofy smile with all teeth visible then she cupped her hands blew inside and brought them to her nose to find out how bad her breath is she squeezed her face

"I can't believe that fool was right"

She quickly brushed and went to the kitchen.

When she got to the kitchen she saw the duvet right on there on the floor

"You just enjoy making my mornings uncomfortable don't you?"

He smiled devilishly and said

"Well, how else do you suggest I get you out of bed?"

Ariana walked over to Dalton and pulled him in for a kiss"Your breath is much better now or I wouldn't have served you breakfast"

Ariana slapped his butt and walked over to the kitchen counter.

Dalton was making pancakes Ariana snickered and said

"If I knew you were cooking I would have put the fire department on speed dial"

"Haha very funny you know I'm a much better cook than you are sit down and let me treat you alright"

Dalton finished and served their breakfast

"So Ari what are you doing today?"

"I have a meeting with my manager later this afternoon what about you?"

Dalton pouted

"Well I was hoping you would go with me to the meeting with the real estate company this morning"

"Oh that was today?...well tough break baby I can't postpone this meeting I'll make it up to you when we get back alright?"

"Fine but what you have for me it better be good" then he smiled.

They both finished their meal and went to shower.

"Uhm... Dalton, why are you entering the bathroom with me?"

Dalton smirked "I thought you might get lonely in there so I thought I'd shower with you and we can also save water you know take care of the planet"

"Fine but only because I care about the planet" she laughed and entered the bathroom.

The time they were bathing they kept on giggling like this was their first time bathing together. After bathing they dressed and got ready for the day. Ariana kissed Dalton on the lips

"Good luck today sweetie"

"Thanks, baby have a nice day"

Dalton entered his car and drove off

As Dalton drove off to work, Ariana took a deep breath "Ari you got this" she peep talked herself.

Ariana walked out of her home to the parking space where her security was waiting.

"Hey Dan" Ari greeted the head of security.

"Good morning Mrs. Grande" Dan replied

"How many times have I told you to call me Ariana, we have known each other for years now" she finished.

Dan only responded with a smile before opening the door for her.

* Somewhere in North Carolina*

"Alex! get the fuck up we are going to be late" A voice yelled

With a groan, Alexa rolled off the bed walking straight to the bathroom towards the mirror.

Tired green eyes stared back at her went to a huge scar right above her left eye

I guess I should consider myself lucky the glass missed my eye

Wish I could say the same for mum and dad

She picked up her brush putting on the toothpaste then began her morning activity.

"Alex! the voice yelled again I'm getting late and I'm gonna leave your ass if you don't get down now! I don't want to be late for work" the voice finished.

"I'm coming down already" Alexa answered as she ran downstairs to the dining.

Alexa got downstairs and she saw her brother in a gray suit he looked furious. Jamie's glare stopped her dead in her tracks.

"It's like you don't realize how much my bosses are breathing down my neck because of the target they gave me and I have so much more to worry about without you delaying me," Jamie said with anger in his voice

Alexa meekly said "I'm sorry Jamie it won't happen again"

"This job I got at the bank is what puts food on our plate and a roof over our heads I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize it do you understand? eat your breakfast let's go"

Alexa was already feeling bad about delaying her brother and didn't want to delay him any further

"I'm not hungry I'll just get something to eat when I get hungry at the Academey"

"Good now get your bag and get in the car let's go"

Alexa got her bag then she entered the passenger side of the car. Jamie entered the car and drove off.

During the whole ride Alexa's face was on the window she couldn't face her brother the tension she felt in the car was way too much. When they got to her school Jamie packed the car Alexa was about to open the door and get out of the car. Jamie held her back he sighed deeply

"Look Lexi I'm sorry for yelling at you it's just that I'm under a lot of pressure from my bosses right now and I can't afford to screw up else I might not get promoted before this year runs out"

Alexa smiled softly and she took her brother's hand in hers "it's okay Jamie I's not like mum and dad left us a fortune before the accident. I'll do better I promise"

At the mention of their parents, Jamie's eyes stared glistening like he's about to tear up

"I know you will do better...I love you kid"

Alexa laughed " I guess you are feeling too bad here you are apologizing and saying you love me you are feeling so guilty ain't you?"

Jamie smiled "get the hell out of my car you idiot and I take back my apology and the I love you"

"Too late and I love you too," Alexa said and kisses her brother on the cheek then she got out.


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