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14.28% You take my life, I fail to die / Chapter 2: Discovery

Chapter 2: Discovery

Now Alexander had many decisions to make since he was apparently in Marvel of all places but he still didn't close his sharingan or eagle vision, instead simply sitting down and starting to think.

He kept it up despite being approached by 5 people. 1 friendly 3 neutral and 1 bearing hostility, not that any of it mattered too much since he had made his decision 'It's going to "waste" a lot of time but scouting it is.'

"Hello. May I ask who you are?" Xavier while outwardly calm was rather unsettled.

When Beast had approached him in the dead of night saying that there was an unknown person outside of the school he had attempted to sense that person's mind but it was extremely difficult.

That had of course caused him to approach his student Jean Grey who had even more power than him yet even that proved fruitless.

On top of that as they approached the youngster Logan told him that he was sure that the boy already knew that they were there but didn't budge from his meditation.

Yet the fear that had been invoked never showed in his voice.

With them being rather close and Xavier speaking Alexander opened his eyes which proceeded to further unsettle Logan. 

He wasn't unfamiliar with odd mutations but there was something about those eyes that bothered him to the core. As if the beast inside of him couldn't accept their existence. Those red eyes with their odd commas.

"Hello. I am Alexander." He nodded his head lightly and then continued "I suppose you are from the mansion? What does the sign mean by "gifted" youngsters?"

Hank and Xavier appreciated the young man's serene speech and behavior but became slightly nervous as Logan stepped infront of them and spoke "Quit playing bub."

His tone was a clear indicator to the others that he was serious since generally the more calm he is before fighting the more dangerous the opponent.

Knowing that the jig was up Alexander now turned to looking up at the sky as he tried explaining himself with his cold detached voice that for the longest time had been his normal voice "I mean none of you any harm. Actually even if I did I only have a chance against Xavier here."

With the change in tone Jean who was previously innocently curious and friendly was now battle ready while Cyclops was proud of himself, as if he knew that the random man couldn't be good news.

"Those claw marks in the woods from you and Laura?" Hearing those words Logan finally looked directly into Alexander's eyes and was extremely temporarily put under Genjutsu.

With him being so inexperienced he only fooled one sense of Logan's, his sight, making himself look like Sabertooth. But when Logan simply extended his claws and looked pissed Alexander immediately stabbed himself with a piece of wood he had kept with himself.

Each of the 5 mutants, even Cyclops, was horrified at the random display. They had of course seen much worse but for a young man to suddenly start killing himself so passionately they freaked out, especially Jean and Hank.

Logan was still extremely suspicious...'But none of it matters' Because Alexander woke up far from the mansion and hours before the event was supposed to even happen.

'Scouting successful. So the Wolverine sees right through me and is on guard for some reason. Xavier, Hank and Jean all seemed amicable. And Cyclops was....hostile for no reason, then happy and then....worried?' With the general thinking done Alexander tried to decide if he should even go in that direction.

But the first question that immediately helped him make his mind up was something as simple as "If not there then where am I supposed to go?" Thus he simply started moving slower making sure that if he kept said pace he would reach the school at approximately 2pm.

Alexander kept trying to use his sharingan more and more while simultaneously trying to ignore how absurdly attractive Jean was. However he failed miserably as he couldn't scrub her image out of his head all the way till mid-day.

Thankfully for him that meant suicide and the addition of a new power which he was really looking forward to. Again sitting down Alexander prepared himself to die and quite swiftly did so.

But seeing the options...he was tempted to kill himself again


[ ] Jean Grey nudes

[ ] Healing factor

[ ] Cooking talent

[x] Heaven&Hell

Despite not knowing what option 4 meant it didn't matter. The words heaven and hell carry a lot of weight but more importantly the other options were simply bad choices.

Option 1 was useless mockery from the system type thing, option 2 would potentially make his main power impossible to use and option 3 while not useless or negative paled in comparison to the possibilities of option 4.

With his choice made Alexander felt something intangible envelop his whole body. Using his current abilities he felt the energy and tried to change it which was successful.

He learned that the gray feeling energy could be made either lighter or darker but since he didn't feel any change he wasn't sure what it meant. Thus he "moved" it back to gray and left it be while finally walking to Xavier's school.

This time he didn't stop far on the outskirts rather after reading the sign he approached slightly before stopping and waiting patiently until he himself was approached.

This time the people who approached him were Xavier, Jean, Colossus and Wolverine.

Unlike last time, Alexander didn't pretend, instead letting all the pain and trauma show while speaking in a somewhat polite tone "Hello. I am Alexander. Would it be okay for me to remain here for a short period of time?"

This time Jean seemed to want to approach and comfort him while both Xavier and Colossus simply felt slight pain but only had thoughts of encouragement.

Logan however still felt unsettled. Not too badly Not even badly enough to step infront of the others but just bad enough to avoid Alexander's eyes.

"We always welcome new students but would it be okay to know your power first? It is only for safety reasons." Xavier's friendly pity filled smile caused Alexander to remember all the stories of his morally questionable or downright evil actions but he had already chosen not to judge anyone purely based off of the information he had. Rather simply keeping such information in the background as potential facts.

Sighing he pointed to his eyes and spoke "I'm honestly not entirely sure but there is some extremely passive energy that gave me these eyes and my current senses."

Obviously it wasn't entirely correct but Alexander wasn't naive enough to not understand how scary his true power would be to others.

Calling it an energy was technically correct, saying that it is extremely passive was true and should make them quite comfortable considering what dangerous things they had seen. On top of those things giving them information they didn't even have yet was used to earn him points.

"Ah quite the safe, versatile and mysterious power, Alexander. Well shall we head inside?" Xavier knowing that while wary Logan wasn't truly on guard so he proceeded to start leading everyone towards the school.

"Ah to introduce everyone here..." Xavier proceeded to introduce everyone and yes Alexander did try to pay attention but he couldn't. 

First of all he already knew who they were. Of course he did listen enough to confirm that his information on them was correct and was sure to perk up whenever there was something that didn't match or added to the information that he already had.

Second of all Jean. Unlike what Alexander excepted and unlike what would normally happen Jean was right next to him rather than on the opposite side of the professor, which was distracting to say the least.

Third of all again Jean but differently. His eagle vision kept having issues. It never showed her as hostile or anything akin to it but the depth of her interest was all over the place, especially so when their eyes met.

"Hey bub! Drop by the garage sometime." Logan's sudden words were quite a surprise to Colossus and Alexander but since Jean didn't seem too bothered he simply smiled and replied with an "Okay!" as Logan kept walking away.

After reaching a certain point Xavier spoke rather suddenly "Now then, I believe that me and Piotr have something to attend to. Jean dear would you mind showing Alexander to his room? It is number 212."

Jean seemed happy at the prospect "Okay professor! Come on~" Her speedy reaction along with her grabbing his arm and starting to lead him was shocking but pleasant.

On the way there they passed many people which made Alexander wonder if this was her normal behavior or if there will be all kinds of rumors within the hour.

He wasn't going to stop her or be bothered by it or anything but he was interested in her so learning more about her was on the to do list.

Eventually they reached his room which immediately caused Jean to freeze, thus confusing Alexander. He held her hand just slightly tighter and tilted his head to look at her "Something wrong, Jean~?"

He noticed that his voice was reflecting his interest rather openly but he tried to ignore that since Jean was now looking at him.

With his eagle vision he noticed hesitation especially so as she spoke "What are you thinking about?" 

It wasn't too shocking of a question. If you were used to unwillingly hearing the thoughts of nearly everyone it made sense for it to feel unsettling when you couldn't "Mostly wondering if this is your normal behavior, thinking of how attractive you are, wondering what's wrong and trying to understand why you seem so bothered all of a sudden. That about covers my current thoughts."

Jean now found the situation to be entertaining. The things he said about his thoughts seemed to perfectly match his behavior. Hard to believe considering how absurdly rare such a thing was but at least for now she chose to believe it.

Her cute laugh that followed the expression of disbelief caused Alexander to smile and lightly chuckle before asking a question "So is your power telepathy?"

"Yes! How'd you know?" The lack of suspicion and the genuine openness was quite comforting for Alexander so he opened the door and gestured for her to come in while answering.

"Well both you and Xavier have that power I assume. It's your behavior, looks like you don't know how to deal with me but you seem to know exactly how to deal with anyone else. Could have been just you not being familiar with me but then you asked that question while seeming so on edge...I can't promise to always tell the truth but I'm more than willing to try if you will do the same~" The large mass of words contained a lot for her to think about.

Even more so when he added a snarky comment "Isn't it rough? To finally need to interact with people normally~?" The assholeish smile on his face vanished however as he added one more thing "Though it must undoubtedly also be difficult to hear everything. Humans are often horrible..."

He opened the fridge and seeing some water inside he looked at her again this time with a gentle smile "Care for a drink, Jean~?" 

She noticed the large changes and since she couldn't read his mind she first answered his question "Yes please!" and then asked about his behavior "Are you okay? Your mood keeps...switching?"

Alexander showed a hint of surprise on his face but still smiled as he tossed a water bottle over and replied "Not really and yes my mood keeps switching. I umm...there's a lot of burden on me but now I have new opportunities. Probably also have a mild case of insanity honestly, hahah!"

Seeing her interest becoming "heavier" without a shred of anything negative was a bit surprising so he decided to ask her about it "So how come your interest became stronger? And why did the intensity of it keep changing earlier?"

Just the first question caused her to cough and nearly choke on her drink but she still caught both questions which lead her to remember that he mentioned that his mutation brought about his eyes and current senses "*cough* So you can sense that?"

The awkward shyness honestly made her even more attractive which was something that he again tried to ignore while trying to get answers to his questions "Yep~ So....? Answers?"

"Hhh're different. Not just because I can't hear your thoughts but I think you're being honest. Y-you do seen crazy...just slightly! But I feel like there's so much more." Again the shyness 'Clearly still a weakness of mine...' along with her attempts at answering as openly as he previously did was oh so alluring to him.

Alexander looked at her with interest, which she noticed, and decided to try something. Something that he was honestly scared about. "You know...this is still me constantly controlling myself. It's not something I like to do but ever since I learned it I never managed to stop." 

She obviously heard/felt the fear and hesitation in him which was something that made her even more interested in him. Especially so when he talked more "Would it be okay if I tried to stop doing that for a bit?"

What he didn't notice, due to his own feelings and such, was how Jean felt 'Oh no...' it happened way too fast in her opinion but she undoubtedly developed a bit of a crush on him "Please do!"

While not exactly the reaction he was expecting it was still a positive one thus he smiled, closed his eyes and took some deep breaths before trying to let go.

Jean watched as Alexander opened his eyes. Now with a smirk on his face and an odd gleam in his eyes he spoke "Ya definitely already know that you're attractive as fuck but you haven't showed what's in that head of yours...what you like, hmm?"

His movements were far less robotic maybe even sloppy as he walked towards her. Unlike earlier his eyes didn't wander at all, instead remaining fixed on hers.

The last thing she had time to notice was through her abilities. Feeling something off about the psionic energy she reached out with her abilities and noticed that Alexander seemed to "dominate" his surroundings. Even her telepathic powers became ever so slightly weaker in his vicinity.

Just as she was trying to answer there was a knock on the door which immediately made him return to normal, as if everything was an illusion "The door is open!"

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