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Chapter 14: Movie Night

November 19, 2019

6:54 PM

I stood outside Ai's apartment, my hand poised to knock. The day's rehearsal had left me drained, but I couldn't miss this. Not Ai's big night.

I rapped my knuckles against the door, the sound echoing in the quiet hallway. Instantly, the patter of little feet and the murmur of excited voices reached my ears.

The door flew open, revealing a beaming Ruby. "Akira! You're here!"

Before I could respond, she had launched herself at me, her small arms wrapping around my leg in a tight hug. I laughed, the weariness melting away in the face of her unbridled enthusiasm.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, kiddo," I said, ruffling her hair.

Aqua appeared behind her, his smile more reserved but no less warm. "Glad you could make it," he said.

The living room was bathed in soft light, the couch adorned with plush pillows and cozy blankets. The air carried the scent of buttered popcorn. Damn, should I have brought something?

But it was the sight of Ai that made my heart skip a beat. She emerged from the kitchen, her hair pulled back in a messy bun, her face free of makeup. She looked soft, relaxed, a far cry from her usual polished idol persona.

"Akira," she breathed, and in that single word, I heard a multitude of emotions. Nervousness, excitement, gratitude.

I crossed the room in a few strides, my hand finding hers. "You've got this," I murmured, low enough for only her to hear. "You're going to be amazing."

She squeezed my hand. "Thank you," she whispered. "For being here."

"Come on!" Ruby's voice broke through our reverie, her small hand tugging at my sleeve. "It's almost time!"

"Lead the way, Ruby," I said, allowing myself to be pulled towards the couch. "Let's see your mom's big tv debut."

[Ai POV]

As they settled on the couch, Ruby bouncing with excitement, I felt a rush of emotion. This was it. The moment I'd been working towards for so long.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. It wasn't just the premiere, though that was certainly a big part of it. It was everything that had led to this point. The sacrifices, the late nights, the constant juggling of my roles as mother and idol.

I thought of all the times I'd doubted myself, wondered if I was doing the right thing. If I was being selfish, chasing my dreams at the expense of my family.

But looking at them now - Ruby and Aqua, their faces alight with excitement- I knew I'd made the right choice.

This wasn't just my dream anymore. It was theirs too. They were invested in my success, cheering me on every step of the way.

And Akira... his support meant more than I could put into words. He saw me, the real me, beneath the polished veneer of the idol. He understood the drive, the passion, the relentless pursuit of a goal.

With him by my side, I felt like anything was possible.

I moved to join them on the couch, my heart hammering as the opening credits began to roll.

Akira's hand found mine once again and I realized something. No matter what happened, no matter how the show was received, I'd already won.

Ruby leaned into me, her head resting on my shoulder. Aqua sat up straighter, his eyes fixed on the screen. And Akira... Akira's thumb brushed over my knuckles, a silent reminder that he was here.

The screen flickered, the first scene fading in. I watched myself come to life, the lines I'd practiced so diligently falling from my TV counterpart's lips.

But my focus wasn't on the screen. It was on the warmth of Ruby against my side, the proud set of Aqua's shoulders. The strength of Akira's hand in mine.

[Akira POV]

As the drama unfolded on the screen, I was drawn to the story. The lead actress was captivating, her performance nuanced and emotionally charged. But my focus kept drifting to Ai, waiting for her appearance.

Suddenly, there she was. Ai's character, the supportive best friend, entered the scene with a warm smile and an energetic wave. Though her role was smaller, Ai's presence was magnetic. She delivered her lines with a natural ease, her timing perfect, her expressions genuine.

I glanced at Ruby and Aqua, eager to see their reactions. Ruby was bouncing slightly in her seat, a wide grin on her face. Every time Ai appeared, she would point excitedly at the screen, turning to me with a look of pure joy.

Aqua was more subdued, but no less engaged. He leaned forward, his eyes intent on the screen, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

There was one scene in particular that stood out to me. The lead actress was grappling with a difficult decision, her face a mask of uncertainty and fear. Enter Ai's character, her smile warm and her words wise.

"You're stronger than you think," she said, her hand resting on her friend's shoulder. "Trust yourself. You've got this."

It was a simple line, but Ai delivered it with such sincerity, such conviction, that I felt a lump form in my throat. Because I knew, perhaps better than anyone, the power of those words.

As the episode drew to a close, Ai's character sharing one final hug with the lead actress, I felt a swell of pride. She might not have been the star of the show, but she shone just as brightly in my eyes.

The credits rolled, and Ruby erupted into applause. "Yay, Mama!" she cheered, bouncing on the couch cushions. "You were so good!"

Aqua nodded, his smile widening. "You were great, Ai."

As the excitement from the drama premiere began to wind down, the adrenaline that had kept me going all day was starting to fade, replaced by a bone-deep weariness.

I glanced at my watch, surprised to see how late it had gotten. I knew I should probably head home, get some rest before another grueling day of rehearsals. But the thought of leaving this warm, happy bubble was surprisingly unappealing.

Just as I was about to reluctantly suggest that I should get going, Ruby piped up. "Akira," she said, her eyes wide and pleading, "can you stay and watch a movie with us? Please?"

I hesitated, torn between the desire to stay and the knowledge that I desperately needed sleep. But before I could respond, Aqua chimed in.

"Yeah, Akira," he said, his voice uncharacteristically enthusiastic. "We could watch that new superhero movie!"

Hm. Aqua was usually so reserved, so mature for his age. Seeing him let loose, even a little, was rare.

I glanced at Ai, gauging her reaction. To my surprise, she was looking at me with a hopeful expression, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

"You should stay," she said softly. "If you want to, that is."

I looked from Ai to the kids, their faces alight with hope. Damn it. How could I say no to those looks?

The decision was made before I even fully realized it. "Of course I'll stay."

Ruby scrambled off the couch, rushing to set up the movie. Aqua followed close behind, chattering excitedly about his favorite scenes from the trailer.

Ai turned to me, her expression soft. "Thank you," she murmured, her thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of my hand. "I know you must be exhausted. It means a lot, having you here."

I shook my head, squeezing her hand in return. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be," I said honestly.

And it was true. Yes, I was tired. Yes, I knew I would probably regret this decision when my alarm went off at an ungodly hour the next morning.

But as Ai's head came to rest on my shoulder, her body warm and solid against mine, I knew.

I was exactly where I was meant to be.

[Ai POV]

As the movie played on, I found myself only half-watching the colorful action on the screen. My attention kept drifting to the man beside me, his presence a warm and comforting weight.

Akira had started out engrossed in the film, chuckling at the one-liners and gasping at the explosive battle scenes. But as the minutes ticked by, I noticed a change. His laughter became quieter, his reactions slower.

I glanced over at him, a fond smile tugging at my lips. His eyelids were drooping, his head nodding forward before jerking back up, only to start the cycle again a moment later.

He was fighting sleep, I realized. Fighting to stay present, to be a part of this moment with me and the kids.

This man, this incredible, dedicated, selfless man... he was here, pushing through his own exhaustion, just to spend time with us.

As if sensing my gaze, Akira's eyes fluttered open. He met my stare, a sheepish grin spreading across his face.

"Sorry," he mumbled, his words slightly slurred with fatigue. "Guess I'm more tired than I thought."

I shook my head, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. "Don't apologize," I whispered. "You've had a long day. It's okay to rest."

He leaned into my touch, his eyes drifting shut once more. "Just... just for a minute," he breathed, his voice barely audible over the movie's blaring soundtrack.

But even as he spoke, I could feel his body relaxing, his head coming to rest on my shoulder as sleep claimed him fully.

I stayed still, hardly daring to breathe for fear of disturbing him. Ruby and Aqua were engrossed in the movie, oblivious to the tender moment unfolding behind them.

In the flickering light of the television, I studied Akira's face. In sleep, he looked younger. His lips were parted slightly, his breathing deep and even.

He was beautiful. Not just in the physical sense, though of course, that was undeniable. But in the depth of his heart and the strength of his spirit.

Sitting there in the darkened living room, my children's laughter mingling with the soft sound of Akira's breathing, I made a silent vow.

I would stand by him, always. I would be his rock, his refuge. Just as he had been mine.

I found myself lulled by the steady rhythm of Akira's breathing. The emotional high of the premiere, combined with the warmth and comfort of his presence, was pulling me towards sleep.

I fought it at first, wanting to savor this moment. But as the minutes ticked by, my eyelids grew heavier, my thoughts more hazy.

Almost without realizing it, I shifted, my body curling into Akira's. His arm tightened around me instinctively, even in sleep, drawing me closer.

I let out a contented sigh, my cheek coming to rest on his chest. The steady thud of his heartbeat was like a lullaby, gentle and soothing.

My last thought before sleep claimed me was one of pure, simple happiness. This, right here, was everything I could ever want.

A family. A home.


[Ruby POV]

The movie ended, the final credits rolling across the screen. I looked over my shoulder, ready to ask Akira and Mama what they thought of the big finale.

But the words died on my lips. They were asleep, curled up together on the couch. Mama's head was on Akira's chest, a small smile on her face. Akira's arm was wrapped around her, holding her close even in sleep.

They looked so peaceful. So happy.

I looked at Aqua, my eyes wide. He met my gaze, a knowing smile on his face.

"They're cute together, aren't they?" he whispered, careful not to wake them.

I nodded eagerly. "Akira makes Mama smile," I said. "Like, really smile. Not the fake smiles she sometimes does for the cameras."

Aqua's expression turned thoughtful. "He's good for her," he said softly. "For all of us."

I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"

Aqua was quiet for a moment, like he was trying to find the right words. "It's like... Akira fits with us. He understands Ai's job, but he also cares about us. He listens to us, plays with us. He's not just pretending."

I thought about that. About all the times Akira had cheered me up when I was sad. About the way he looked at Mama, like she was the most special person in the world.

"I think..." I said slowly, the realization dawning on me. "I think Akira loves us. Like, really loves us."

Aqua nodded, his smile widening. "I think you're right, Ruby. And I think we love him too."

I looked back at the sleeping couple, my heart feeling all warm and fluttery. Aqua was right. Akira was part of our family now. And that was the best thing ever.

Careful not to disturb them, I tiptoed over and pulled the blanket from the back of the couch. With Aqua's help, I draped it over Akira and Mama, tucking them in snugly.

"Sweet dreams," I whispered.

Then, hand in hand, Aqua and I snuck off to our room, leaving the two to their slumber.

As I climbed into bed that night, I couldn't stop smiling. Because I knew, with Akira in our lives, everything was going to be okay.

Better than okay.

It was going to be wonderful.

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