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Chapter 1: A Different Parker

"I live my life a QUARTER-MILE at a time."

— Dominic Toretto, The Fast and the Furious (2001)

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It has been fifteen years since I opened my eyes for the second time. I was confused, just like my first time, but my mature mind brought me the truth. The truth, just as unbelievable for me as it was fifteen years ago, wasn't what I could have imagined even in my wildest dreams.

Explaining it would be a hassle, but anyone reading this would probably understand with just a single sentence of my introduction.

"I am Peter Parker."

Yes, you heard that right. I am Peter Parker, and no, I do not look like Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, or even Tobey Maguire. My appearance might have been based on my comic counterparts. It wasn't a surety, but what I was sure about was that I was far from the Puny Parker you might have been familiar with.

It turned out that knowing the possible futures or rather disasters of this world was more than enough motivation for me to spend much of my time behind workout sessions and martial arts classes, instead of simply spending it on books.

Some might say that learning about tech and stuff should have been the utmost priority. But that would have only been true if I had just reincarnated in this world. Well, you see, before coming to this world, I met an ROB.

The entire encounter was dream-like, but what I managed to remember was that I would receive my cheat after fifteen years. Initially, I thought it would be on my fifteenth birthday, but I was wrong. So the only other possibility is the New Year right after my birthday. And it was.

- - - - -

JANUARY 1, 2008.


<System loading... Successful!>

<Please enter the system functions of your choice.>

<1. - >

<2. - >

<3. - >


<Note: Remember, the amount of restrictions depends upon the number of functions entered. The potential of each function will depend on the number of functions as well. The fewer the number of functions, the more powerful each function would be.>

It finally happened. Just as I was gazing across the city through the window of my room, admiring the starry sky, being lit up by colourful fireworks, it happened. A semi-transparent holographic screen with a game-like interface popped in front of my eyes out of nowhere.

It did take me by surprise, even though I was already simulating various kinds of ways in which my cheat could be awakened.

But reading the text on the system interface, my mouth could only shout in awe and joy, "This is going to be fucking overpowered!" Fortunately, my voice was drowned by the fireworks, or else May would have already been knocking on my door.

Oh, wait, did I tell you about May? No, right? Well, the only true way of describing her was that she was a MILF in the flesh.

Anyway, moving back to the system, I started pondering on how to come out on top of this situation and maximizing the gains to the absolute limit. But I knew that wouldn't be possible, not entirely, so I just wanted to make the most out of it.

"Okay, so the most basic function that I need is a status panel. Another is access to magic or skills. Then, maybe some kind of shop, a fusion function or even a world travelling function."

After carefully considering all of my options, I decided to go with a status panel, a library with every kind of knowledge, a fusion function and a shop function. And thus, I started typing in my choices.

<1. A Status Panel that displays attributes, skills and other basic information.>

<2. A Library containing books on any knowledge that was, is, or will be in existence.>

<3. An Essence Converter that allows me to change the properties of any item, and even fuse two or more items.>

<4. A Shop where I can buy anything that I want.>

After typing my requirements, I pressed the <Confirm.> button at the bottom. The screen disappeared and was replaced by a series of other ones.

<Analysing request... Successful!>

<Generating requested system function... Successful!>

<The following are the Restrictions placed on the various system functions.>

<1. The Status Panel will only apply to the user himself, and on non-living items. To check the status of other beings, the user must learn an appraisal skill or spell, or any other skill or spell with similar effects.>

<2. The Library will only assist in providing the desired books to the user. The user must read the books on his own, and the understanding and comprehension of the books depend on the user. Additionally, the books are in their languages and the user must first learn that particular language in which the book was, is, or will be written.>

<3. The Essence Converter must be fed with energy or mana to work. The amount depends on the number and degree of properties altered. For the fusion, it depends on the compatibility of the two items.>

<4. To buy anything in the System Shop, the user needs System Points, which could be gained by completing missions, achievements, or by sacrificing items in the user's possession.>

<Note: The system functions are currently inactive, and can be activated with but a thought.>

After reading the restrictions, I fell into contemplation about how to use them efficiently. "Although the restrictions sound a lot, they aren't actually that troublesome. First, the Status Panel will still show my status as I wanted."

"The Library still has access to infinite knowledge, just that I would have to read them manually."

"The Essence Converter might prove to be slightly troublesome, as I don't have a proper source of energy or mana."

"And last but not the least, the System Shop would still allow me to buy literally anything."

After thinking about all the restrictions, I was quite satisfied. Thus, I decided to activate all the system functions in order. I started with the Status Panel first.

<Activating Status Panel function... Successful!>

= = = = =

|> Character Status

Name: Peter Benjamin Parker

Race: Human

Age: 15 Years

Gender: Male

|> Attributes

Strength: F

Endurance: F

Agility: F

Intelligence: E+

Mana: -

Luck: C+++

|> Skills

• Mixed Martial Arts (F)

|> Spells

- None -

|> Special Abilities

- None -

= = = = =

It was a pretty normal status panel, except for my Luck and Intelligence. Therefore, I didn't dwell on it any longer and activated the Library function.

<Activating Library function... Successful!>

In the next moment, I found my consciousness getting pulled into a strange place. It was an enormous library with no visible end, with millions upon millions of books placed on the bookshelves as far as my eyes could see.

The sight left me in awe as an itch to read some books on magic spells crawled into my heart, but I held back and left the library with a thought. I found myself in the same position as before.

"So I can simply access the library with just my consciousness," I concluded to myself and prepared to activate the third function.

<Activating Essence Converter function... Successful!>

Another interface popped before me with empty blocks and a score on the top right that said 'Stored Energy: 0 Units'. Since it was currently useless, I moved on to the last function.

<Activating Shop function... Successful!>

Another interface popped before me with countless items on display, with a category tab on the top. There was a counter on the top right that read 'System Points: 0'. There was an additional line of text, smaller in font size, right next to it that read '+10 SP every midnight'.

"I get free SP every day. That is indeed cool." I said to no one in particular as my attention was drawn to a glowing gift box displayed on the bottom right of the interface. I tapped on it and a new interface popped up.

<Opening Newbie Gift Pack... Successful!>

<Congratulations! You have obtained the Item Voucher - Magic Circuits (S)!>

<Congratulations! You have obtained the Item Selection Voucher - Bloodline (S)!>

I was indeed dumbfounded after reading the so-called Newbie Gifts. I quickly checked their descriptions and found that the Magic Circuits were the hidden pathways within a human's body that allowed him or her to conduct magical energy. The quality of Magic Circuits determined the quality of the magical energy, as well as the lower limit of one's magical talent.

As for the second item, it allowed me to buy a bloodline of my choice at or below the S grade from the System Shop for free. Thus, I opened the Bloodline category in the Shop and was once again dumbfounded by the sheer amount of choices.

I applied a filter for the S grade and started checking out the bloodlines one by one. I didn't have a clue about what they were, but their description provided some clues.

"Although each bloodline should be strong as they are S grade, I am not sure about their actual potential," I said to myself, as I felt the need to select a bloodline that I was familiar with. Thus, after searching for a few minutes, I finally found it.

= = = = =

|> Uchiha Bloodline (S)

Description: Grants the user the modified version of the Uchiha Bloodline. The curse that plagued the Uchiha Clan has been purified, and the bloodline has been modified to work with any magical energy, and not be restricted to chakra.

Effects: Grants the Special Ability - Sharingan, increased affinity towards Fire Element, increased martial arts and illusion talent.

= = = = =

"What's better than to be a Uchiha?" I muttered to myself as I proceeded to integrate both the Magic Circuits and the Uchiha Bloodline.

First, I went with the Magic Circuits which would unlock Mana for me and then the Uchiha Bloodline so that it would get tuned to using Mana instead of chakra.

A few minutes later, I was standing in the bathroom looking at my reflection through a pair of single tomoe Sharingans. I felt how a warm energy was coursing through my entire body, with a small amount being fed to my eyes.

I closed my Sharingan as my iris turned back to brown from blood-red. I could also feel the energy pathway that was feeding my eyes with mana, get cut off.

After calming down my excitement, I opened up my status panel.

= = = = =

|> Character Status

Name: Peter Benjamin Parker

Race: Human

Bloodline: Uchiha (S)

Age: 15 Years

Gender: Male

|> Attributes

Strength: E

Endurance: E

Agility: E

Intelligence: E+++

Mana: E+

Luck: B

|> Skills

• Mixed Martial Arts (F)

|> Spells

- None -

|> Special Abilities

• Magic Circuits (S)

• Sharingan (C) - Single Tomoe

= = = = =

Both the Magic Circuits and the Uchiha Bloodline provided me with a much-needed increase in attributes. After closing my status panel, I decided to go to sleep.

Initially, I would have liked to read some magic books from the system library, but since today was a holiday, I had no hurry.

- - - - -


I woke up in a refreshed state even though I slept for only a few hours. The attributes were already showing their effects, it seemed. I went to the bathroom and completed my morning rituals before heading downstairs to get my breakfast.

Reaching downstairs, I saw May working on something at the dining table, with my breakfast and a steaming cup of coffee ready for, placed next to her. I walked behind her and hugged her while placing my chin on her right shoulder and said, "Good morning, Aunt May."

"Oh, good morning, dear," May replied with a smile as she kissed my left cheek and pinched the other one lightly. I let her do as it was her routine action, instead, I looked below, only to get a small glimpse of her cleavage. She was wearing a loose t-shirt but her huge bosom made it look tight.

I released the hug after a few seconds and sat next to her to eat my breakfast. While I was eating, May looked at me and said, "You have to go visit the Oscorp Technologies today, right?"

I gulped the food and replied, "Yeah, since today is a day off at school, I decided to go to the Oscorp Technologies, since I still have to finish my internship project."

"Alright, but take care of yourself out there." I finished my breakfast with May reminding me of the Do's and the Don'ts like she always does. After reassuring her that I would take care of myself, I returned back to my room. There were still a few hours before I had to leave for my internship.

Once I was in my room, I locked the door and sat on my bed with my eyes closed. Of course, I leaned my back against the headboard, since I would be staying in this position for quite some time.

After I got ready, I willed it and found my consciousness back in the ridiculously huge library. I looked at the bookshelves and thought once again, and in the next moment, the library turned into a more normal library that one could find in major cities.

"This looks a lot better. After all, I don't want to get overwhelmed every time I look at the infinitely tall and long, bookshelves." I thought to myself as I walked towards the reading table and took a seat.

I thought about the book that I wanted to read and in the next few minutes, multiple books flew over from their bookshelves and floated in front of me. Each book had a different appearance and aura but they all had a common point, that was, each book was related to mind magic.

After reading the titles of all the books, I decided on a book titled 'Path to having a formidable Mind Fortress' by Lucionashi Alderbunt Jorntemosry. But I already got a bad feeling about this one, not by its title but by its author, as no way on Earth can someone have that kind of name.

And my guts were right, because this book wasn't in English or any language I know. Hell, this particular language doesn't even exist on Earth. Only the book covers were in English so that I could at least know what the book was about.

Anyway, moving back to the language, I started learning it as I didn't want to waste any time. And thus, I spend the next two hours learning this language with the only saving grace being that it was easy to learn.

"Also, I am a genius as well. Not as good as in Chemistry or Technology, but with a little more effort, learning new languages isn't that hard." I thought to myself as I closed the book that taught the said language.

After spending two hours, I have already mastered the language. Not enough to be a scholar but enough to fluently read, write and speak the said language. Although, I might have exaggerated a bit when I said that I could speak it fluently.

Once I had the language down, I started to read the book about the Mind Fortress. After reading the introduction, it was clear that the so called Mind Fortress was actually a collection of multiple aspects of mind which consist of Memory Archive, Mind Palace, and lastly, Mental Shield.

Memory Archive was a magic spell that allowed one to store their memories perfectly without forgetting them. But their proficiency determined the amount of time it took to store that particular memory.

The Mind Palace spell helped one rearrange their mindscape providing a better and easier way of accessing their memories. Additionally, it could also be used to hide or restrict some of the more important memories.

And lastly, the Mental Shield spell did what its name suggest, that was, create a shield around their mind as a preventive measure against mental invasion. The manner, type, quantity and strength of the shield depends upon the proficiency of the spell.

A few hours passed by, and I finally got the basics of these spells down, enough to try them in the real world without harming myself.

After coming back to the real world, I checked the time and it wasn't enough to try all three spells but I could still try the Mental Shield spell, as not only was it the safest, but also the easiest.

So I sat up straight and started channelling my mana according to the book. My Magic Circuits flared up and started channelling my mana towards my brain, upon reaching which it disappeared. I wasn't worried as although a human brain had a physical manifestation, one's mind and spirit didn't.

I willed my thoughts and I appeared in my very own mindscape. It was completely different from the library as my mindscape was simply a white space with my memories floating around, with the more prominent being larger as compared to the others.

I felt my mana being pumped into my mindscape and willed it to start covering my mindscape forming a spherical barrier. My mana began covering my mindscape and started hardening, forming a barrier. It was probably the most basic and inefficient way but it was straightforward and effective which was what mattered when you had just started on your path of magic.

A few minutes later, a perfect spherical barrier was formed around my mindscape and I deemed it was enough for now. I left my mindscape and checked the time on the clock placed just above the window.

It was already time, so I changed into suitable clothes and left the house after informing May, who simply reminded me to stay careful. And honestly, having such a woman in one's house was probably enough to feel grateful for a lifetime.

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<Words:> 2,950+

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<A/N:> For NFSW images, visit my P-a-t-r-e-o-n at:

(Remove the hyphens '-' before searching on a browser.)

Parv09955 Parv09955

I hope God gives me strength to continue with this fan-fiction.

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