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28.93% The son of the God-Emperor in Warhammer Fantasy / Chapter 78: Chapter 78: Garland's Faction Struggle

Chapter 78: Chapter 78: Garland's Faction Struggle

The Edge of the World Mountains, Sky Castle.

Here, at the edge of the world, the snowy peaks and the fierce winds constantly blow over the mountaintops. The towering castle and several arcane-glowing wizard towers interconnect, forming the headquarters of the Garland Council. Located at around two thousand meters above sea level, the path up the mountain is filled with fierce beasts and treacherous roads, reachable only by those with strong determination. The mountains are also filled with the witches' wards and traps, blocking unwelcome guests.

Sky Castle is situated at the intersection of the Nord Kingdom, the Empire, and the Dwarf Kingdom, enjoying a semi-independent and advantageous geographical position. Many witches and sorceresses reside here, delving deeply into the arcane arts.

One of the wizard towers in the vast castle complex, on the first floor, in a side chamber.

A teleportation light illuminated the damp, cold room, and the sorceress arrived in her mother's wizard tower.

Two witch apprentices quickly entered. "Miss, you're back?"

"Yes, I'm back. Where is my mother?" Theresa's surprisingly good attitude startled the two apprentices. Usually, she would only give them a curt "hmm."

"The mistress is waiting for you in the top floor. However, she said you don't need to see her immediately. She asked us to help you wash away the fatigue of your journey," the apprentices said softly.

"Alright." Theresa headed upstairs to the wizard tower, flanked by the apprentices.

A wizard tower serves multiple functions for a spellcaster, including research, residence, training, and combat. Thus, the first floor is filled with various mechanisms and wards, as well as numerous battle golems. After a long climb up the spiraling stairs, the sorceress reached the living quarters on the fifth floor.

In the bathroom, the apprentices had already prepared hot water. Theresa comfortably bathed, then changed into her favorite purple robe and loose wide-legged pants, slipped on her slippers, and knocked on her mother's door. "Mother?"

"Theresa? Come in," a mature woman's voice came from inside. Theresa pushed open the door.

The room belonging to Garland Council Elder Aurora Trovik was beyond luxurious. The carpet was made from the finest polar bear fur, and all the furniture was crafted from top-grade walnut wood. The soft yellow magic lights complemented the falling snow outside the glass windows. Elder Aurora, a saintly witch, sat in a giant white wolf fur chair, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, smiling at her daughter.

Theresa remembered that the white wolf fur chair was a gift from Ryan. Thinking of Ryan made her heart ache. She knew her return was poorly timed. Looking at her mother, she felt a bit aggrieved. "Mother?"

Aurora and Theresa looked remarkably alike. Aurora appeared like a mature version of Theresa, exuding the aura of a ripe fruit, tempting and alluring. The Garland Council Elder wore a white robe, showing only her legs in flesh-colored stockings. "Daughter, you're back?"

"Why did the council summon me back now, Mother? Don't you know my task with Ryan is at a critical point?" Theresa sat opposite Aurora, speaking softly. "I asked Emily, and it doesn't seem that urgent."

"The matter isn't too urgent, but it's our leader's decision. She believes your partnership with Ryan isn't effective, so you should come back," Aurora said, pulling her mouth into a slight smile. "It's not that I don't want to speak up for you, my daughter, but your performance hasn't been satisfactory."

"But..." Theresa wanted to argue, but Aurora raised her hand to signal for her to listen first. "Theresa, let me ask you, what have you done during the journey?"

"The White Wolf Church detailed how Ryan single-handedly killed the Doombull atop Scavel Hill. He was severely injured, barely surviving. Where were you, my daughter, at that time?"

"The Sisters of the Holy Grail, the Empire officials, and the White Wolf Church all described the Battle of Mjolden Haven, where Ryan, in an extremely unfavorable situation, killed the Chaos Champion 'Crushing Bear' Birrig in a grand duel, repelling thousands of barbarian troops. Where were you then, my daughter?"

"Time and again, the council hears of Ryan's solo achievements. This rising star is now a renowned hero across the continent. But my daughter, where were you? Are you really Ryan's partner? Why have I never heard your name mentioned?"

Aurora's words made Theresa blush with shame. She couldn't find any words to defend herself.

"And, I think your temper and personality must have caused him quite a bit of trouble, right? Let me guess, he tolerated you out of consideration for me, correct?" Aurora's tone remained calm, but her eyes twinkled with amusement. "How much did I guess right?"

Theresa lowered her head, her hands twisting uncomfortably. "All of it, Mother. Throughout the journey, I caused him a lot of trouble. I could often feel his suppressed dissatisfaction. Eventually, he openly rebuked me, and I realized I was wrong."

"But his impression of you has already been tarnished," Aurora's words plunged Theresa's heart into despair, but the elder continued straightforwardly. "You like him, don't you?"

"Mother!!!" Theresa exclaimed instinctively.

Aurora sighed softly. "Daughter, your behavior is just like that of a lovesick girl. It's normal. Everyone likes an outstanding man, especially one as exceptional as Ryan. It's no surprise he has captivated you. But my daughter, that doesn't mean you have no rivals. You must understand, Veronica is Ryan's true partner."

"What?!" Theresa looked up sharply, then quickly connected Ryan's actions. "No wonder he was so adamant about not changing partners, no wonder he..."

"And Veronica is Margarita's protégé!" Aurora's tone carried a hint of sarcasm. "Without Ryan's protection, would Veronica be where she is now?"

"So... the recall was the leader's decision?" Theresa adjusted her glasses. "It makes sense. Ryan is someone the council must win over, and Veronica is his partner..."

"And Veronica likely has a closer relationship with Ryan. She usually keeps herself chaste and doesn't even look at men, but she has been seen with Ryan and is no longer a virgin. But that doesn't matter," Aurora shook her head, her waist-length black hair shimmering. "What matters is, my daughter, you need to reflect. What did you fail to do despite having all the advantages? Why did you squander the goodwill Ryan had built for our family?"

The room fell silent, save for the crackling of the enchanted fireplace and the sound of the wind and snow hitting the windows.

"It's my fault, Mother. Please give me another chance! I'll do better than Veronica!" Theresa bit her lip and admitted her mistake.

"No," Aurora flatly refused her daughter's plea. "You understand your problem, but if you go back to Ryan now, the result will be the same. You've already left a bad impression. If you approach him again now, can you change your ingrained habits? No, you'll only strain the relationship further and end up excluded. Give it some time. Time is the best remedy; it will dull Ryan's negative impression of you."

"But Veronica is with him now..." Theresa fretted.

"Hah, don't worry. Veronica can't stay with Ryan for long. She must complete the task soon to prove she's better than you," Aurora pushed her gold-rimmed glasses up her nose. "I can arrange for her to leave, though Margarita has just placed her with Ryan. I can't immediately recall her, but once the mission is over, I have ways to summon her back. Veronica must report to the council. My only concern is that Ryan might become more dissatisfied with us, but for your sake, I'm willing to risk it."

"Mother... I'm sorry." Theresa walked over to Aurora.

"Theresa, go to the Garland Grand Secret Realm for further training," Aurora held her daughter's hand. "Change your bad habits, your arrogance, and then contact Ryan again. Happiness requires your own effort, not blaming others or shirking responsibility. Remember, winning Ryan's favor depends not on Veronica's actions but on your own excellence. The Trovik family needs an outstanding heir, and we need a strong ally. Investing in Ryan has proven highly valuable. We have no reason to stop."

"I understand, Mother!" Theresa gripped her mother's hand, her eyes burning with determination.

**The New Storm Arises**

Nord, northern coast of the Sea of Chaos.

The Imperial army defeated thousands of barbarian troops with a loss of less than five hundred men. Only a few barbarians managed to escape by boat, while the rest were annihilated.

"A great victory, my Emperor!" General Adelaide-Karoburg excitedly approached the emperor. The war had been easier and quicker than expected. With the emperor personally leading the Reiksguard, the barbarian army was driven into the sea to feed the fish, and several tribes would be erased from the barbarian history, as the emperor had ordered no prisoners.

The leading barbarian chieftain, Ulfson, was killed by Karl Franz with a single blow of the Warhammer, Ghal Maraz. The weapon's power amplified the emperor's strength tenfold.

"We must thank Gelt for his magic. Without it, we wouldn't have won so easily," Karl Franz said calmly, considering the broader implications of the victory.

This great victory would not only boost the emperor's prestige but also increase the electors' loyalty. Karl Franz foresaw that his future requests for troops from the electors would face less resistance, and his authority in the imperial court would be significantly enhanced.

The emperor had mentally noted a blacklist: all nobles

 who had refused to respond to the Reikland's call to arms would have their lands confiscated and be held accountable. These valuable lands would partly be used to replenish the treasury and partly be redistributed to loyal and capable vassals.

After mentally rearranging the key positions, Karl Franz knew the path ahead was still long. To unite a fragmented and self-governing nation required overcoming many difficulties, but he was confident that everything would eventually align, ushering in a bright era for humanity, just as Emperor Sigmar had united the entire continent over a thousand years ago.

Dressed in a golden cloak and wearing a golden mask, the Great Alchemist Balthasar Gelt approached, leaning on his golden staff. "A glorious victory, my Emperor."

"Indeed, a glorious victory, but we must not become complacent because of it." The emperor nodded, then shouted, "Quickly clean the battlefield! Soldiers! Take victory and glory home!"

"Victory! Glory! We celebrate this victory in advance of Winter Veil! My Emperor!" A Reiksguard shouted, prompting Karl Franz to laugh heartily. "Happy Winter Veil! My soldiers!"

After walking some distance with the Great Alchemist, Karl Franz spoke quietly to Gelt. "I hope you will become the Royal Chief Wizard, my Great Alchemist."

Gelt trembled slightly, realizing that his long-sought opportunity had finally arrived. He quickly responded, "I am honored to serve you, my Emperor."


After walking in silence for a while, Gelt spoke his thoughts. "Allow me to temporarily leave the returning army, my Emperor. I need to procure some alchemical materials."

"Where will my Great Alchemist go to procure these materials?" The emperor understood, as the war was over, and Gelt had no need to stay with the army.

"I will go to Marienburg."



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