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20% HP: The Sun / Chapter 1: Waking up
HP: The Sun HP: The Sun original

HP: The Sun

Author: Bter

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Waking up

The first thing he did after waking up was falling out of the bed he was apparently lying in until now and throwing up on the floor. 

Of course, not without reason. The last thing he remembered was a long beeping sound and everything fading to black afterwards. Pretty ironic, after 5 years of nonstop research and development he had finally discovered a cure for that wretched virus, only for it being too late to cure himself. 

At least no one else would have to suffer through it anymore.

But after what he was sure was him dying, he didn't simply stop existing. He didn't even see the pearly gates of heaven, nor the burning pits of hell. He woke up in a bed he did not recognize, staring at a ceiling he did not remember.

Well, this would have startled him sure, but he wouldn't be kneeling on the floor puking his guts out if it was only that. No, what really made him have this kind of reaction was, what he saw after he sat up to look around the room he was in right now.

It was an average sized room, illuminated by the dim moonlight that shone through a window behind the bed he was lying in. There was kind of weird looking wooden furniture, seemingly randomly arranged throughout. Strange trinkets were lying and hanging everywhere, and everything somehow seemed unusually colorful, even in the silvery moonlight.

Then his gaze brushed over one of the shadowy corners of the room, snapping back just a fraction of a second later. There, in the darkness were 5 round glowing white eyes looking back at him. He froze in shock, unable to process what he was seeing.

After a few seconds he slowly looked around the room again and found that in most of the dark corners there were slightly glowing, unblinking eyes, silently watching him. But the eyes weren't the only thing he saw. On the table directly next to him there were two tiny creatures performing what looked like some kind of weird dance or ritual, while bathing in the silver moonlight, gathering it into illusory fabric and twirling it along with their movements.

This sight forcefully ripped him out of his previous trance. He recoiled out of shock, fell out of the bed and hit his head on the bedframe. Before he could groan in pain though, a wave of sickening nausea hit him, and his head started hurting as if it was being split open by an ace.

Memories started pouring into his mind. Memories of a different life than the one on earth. While puking his guts out and clutching his head in pain, he realized. His current name was Solus Lovegood, twin brother of Luna Lovegood. The weird room he was in had been his room in the Lovegood manor for the last 11 years and he had received his invitation letter to Hogwarts just 5 days ago.

"Reincarnation huh?", Solus mumbled after the pain and nausea subsided.

He wasn't particularly happy about being ripped out of his former life and world, but he wasn't particularly sad about it either. Sure, it was depressing that he died as young as he did, but he cured the plague most people had believed to be uncurable. All in all, he was content with his former life and its eventual end. 

Before he could think any more about his situation though, he heard the sound of his door opening.

"Sol, are you okay??", a slightly dreamy but very concerned voice sounded. When he looked up at the now open door he saw a relatively small girl with pale blonde, almost silver hair, dreamy blue eyes and a worried look on her face. Luna was wearing a colorful pajama that looked as if someone had drawn every magical seeming symbol, they could remember onto it.

After looking at his own clothes Solus realized that he was wearing pretty much the same thing himself. 

"Sol? Hey, I asked if you're okay. I heard a loud bang from your room. At first, I thought it was a thumbling swaggler knocking something over but then a concerned looking wrumpler motioned me to follow it to your room", his sister asked once again.

"Ughh yeah I'm okay, I just had a nightmare and fell out of my bed..." looking at the regurgitated dinner next to his bed he added,"... uhh and I had to throw up. Maybe something about yesterday's food wasn't right?"

Solus slowly got up and looked for something he could use to wash away the lingering taste of vomit in his mouth, "Wait did you say a wrumpler led you here?"

'What the hell is a wrumpler and how did it know I'm not alright??', he thought to himself upping his vigilance. Other people might have just ignored that comment on account that it was luna who said it, but he knew better than that. He saw the countless eyes lurking in the shadowy corners of his room, silently watching him. He saw the two rat like creatures on the table next to his bed enthralled in their ritualistic dance.

Luna nodded and held out her outstretched hand as if to show him something. On it there stood what looked like a small ball of white fur with tiny black pearls for eyes. It had very thin black arms and legs that looked like they had been drawn with a pencil. Its hands and feet were the same, consisting of only 3 dark lines acting as fingers and toes. Somehow it looked... concerned?

Before he could inquire further about this 'Wrumpler' his sister was holding, another figure appeared behind her in his doorframe. 

"I heard a commotion from upstairs, are you alright kids?? Is everything ok? did something happen?", a slightly out of breath and very disheveled looking Xenophilius Lovegood asked, his wand ready in hand. 

"Sol fell out of his bed and threw up on the floor." Luna said while pointing at Solus and the mess surrounding him. "He also didn't seem to remember what a wrumpler was."

'Fuck they got me. Even though I have received the memories of the previous Solus I haven't had the time to thoroughly go through them' Solus thought alarmed, putting up his guard even further and readying himself to make a run for it if the situation were to escalate.

But then... "Oh dear... a scrambler must have hit you on its way through your room." 

"What??", Solus blurted out as he dumbfoundedly looked at his 'father'. Every little bit of tension magically disappearing from his body.

"Well yes of course this must have been the case. Nasty little things those scramblers. Don't get me wrong they definitely mean no harm, but they move very fast and if they accidentally hit you, it gives your brain a good shake and scrambles your mind quite a bit", Xenophilius started explaining in a disorderly manner, while he cast a few spells to clean up the floor and conjured a glass of water which he handed Solus.

"Do you still remember me and Luna? What about your name? Overall current happenings? And what about your and Lunas attending of Hogwarts in a few weeks?" 

'Of course. How could I forget what kind of person those two were in the books. I bet they wouldn't even bet an eye if I told them I had memories of a previous life right now. If there was any family where being a bit weird is acceptable in this world, it would definitely be this one', Solus mused in his head and took a sip from the conjured water noting it's sweet taste. 

By this point most of his vigilance had already left him. He had also taken the time of his 'father's rambling to absorb more of the previous Solus' memories. Xenophilius was a weird but very kind and affectionate man. Even after his wife died, he had never neglected his children, instead trying his hardest to cheer them up and care for them. 

Because of this Solus decided to be honest while answering Xenophilius' questions. He won't tell them about him being a transmigrator, but he also didn't want to lie to them telling them he remembered everything just fine. They had been nothing but kind to him and the previous Solus after all. 

"Uh yes I do remember you two, but more in a third person like perspective? My name is Solus Lovegood, but Luna calls me Sol", he answered while smiling faintly at his sister. "As for current happenings I don't remember much, but I do know that me and Luna received invitation letters from Hogwarts 3 days ago."

"Yes, yes that's still pretty good. The aftermath of a scrambler could've been much worse. Most important memories will probably return eventually so no need to worry. If you want to know anything, just ask me or your sister", giving Solus a reassuring smile Xenophilius hurried of to somehow ward the manor against the 'scrambler's' return.

 "You should try to sleep again. I don't know if you remember but daddy told us yesterday that he would take us shopping for school supplies tomorrow. You'll need a lot of energy for that", Luna Told him in her usual dreamy tone also giving him a smile. "Oh, and I'll leave this little guy with you, he seems to want to stay with you. Maybe he can protect you against further incidents? Take care while dreaming". 

With that she bode farewell and wandered off to her own room once more, leaving him alone with the little creature she had called a 'wrumpler'.


"So, you alerted Luna that something is wrong with me huh?", Solus said as he looked at the soft looking creature which was currently trying hard to scale his bedframe. Chuckling lightly, he helped it get onto his bed, where it then stretched out his arms in his direction and looked at him expectantly.

"What? You want to touch my hand?", Solus was a bit skeptical about this little being. He couldn't feel any ill intention from it, and it had even tried to help him when it looked like something was wrong with him. But still.... could he really trust some random furrball creature he knew nothing about?

In the end he decided to just go for it, how bad could it possibly be? Death? Been there done that. And his instincts were telling him to trust this 'wrumpler' thing.

Slowly but decisively, he reached out and touched his hand to the wrumplers own. The things hands felt like... well nothing, no pressure, no temperature no nothing.

After staying like that for a few seconds Solus was just about to pull his hands away, but then... He felt his energy draining rapidly.

'Fuck, I shouldn't have trusted it', he thought alarmed and tried to pull his hand away, but somehow was not able to. Then suddenly, as abrupt as his energy had been drained it replenished again, until he felt like he could easily run an entire marathon and then some. Shortly after, his energy began to drain again.

This back and forth continued for what felt like hours until finally the Wrumpler retracted its arms and laid down in exhaustion, closed its eyes and started to sleep. Solus too felt incredibly drained.

Looking at his hand he saw an illusory, slightly transparent looking blueish purple pattern of intersecting lines and patterns slowly spread outwards from the point where the wrumpler had touched him. 

Solus put checking this out on his to do list for tomorrow. He was way too tired after experiencing all that.

This time not minding the lurking eyes at all, he laid back down on his bed thinking to himself

'so, this really is my life now huh.... well I don't dislike it',

before falling into a deep dreamless sleep.



Hey guys this story is a project I'm starting to practice my writing, worldbuilding and story planning skills. I don't know how long exactly it's going to be but i have a general idea about where the story is going, and the general themes involved in mind.

If you have any valid criticism or would have written something differently, please share your opinions in the chapter comments. 

The general idea of this story is a scientist mc being reincarnated as Luna's twin brother sharing her gift (or my take on it) to see weird creatures other people cannot. 

As for romance, Mc will be pretty focused on his goals and projects so romance will be more of a subplot if anything.

As for potential pairings I haven't decided yet, normally I'm a luna type of guy but now that mc is her brother, that's out the window. I won't do Hermione and I won't do a harem. If you have any suggestions, please comment on this paragraph.


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