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Chapter 13: Ripper vs Bashe

Vander had to spend the entire night in order to tame the next hybrid which used the entirety of its power to kill him. This time things were different as it had come up with a method to hurt his soul. Meaning he could die in the process of fighting it.

If that was not enough for his troubles, the remaining untamed dinosaurs were getting even stronger with his power increases. It was invertible, but it did make his job all the harder with no way to stop it. Soul connections were just that profound so it was just a small price to pay for that power.

Vander sighed as he laid down on the floor bleeding from multiple wounds that were healing slowly. The worst of them all was injuries to his face as the entire right side of his face was mutilated. It was possible to see bone; if not for his regeneration, he would be dead.

"That did not go according to plan did it, Ripper?"

Ripper was sleeping on the giant bed that he had torn up like an angry cat. Ripper opened one eye to look at him before promptly ignoring him.

"I see how it is, last time we ever go to that meat skewer place."

If Vander did not know Ripper, he would have missed the angry shivering that was happening to the raptor. Also, he was being glared at with eyes that could kill.

"Alright, I liked them too."

Ripper laid back down as Vander shook his head.

'Damn reptile.'

He thought about the trouble he went through and was glad he went for him and Daisy first. If he waited for later things would have turned into life and death situations. Just the Postosuchus had done a number on him as it had used the full power it had gained to try to end him.

He had managed to keep that limited, but that was becoming impossible to do. The stronger Vander became, so did his familiars. Meaning his advantage over them was never extreme. That also meant that the remaining ones he had not tamed had added the abilities of Vander's other familiars to their arsenal if only a little bit.

The Postosuchus was originally just a Water and Ice user, but when Wind, Shadow, Blood, and Lightning magic were added things changed. He pushed Vander to his limits as it had managed to truly injure Vander even when he was in soul form. In the end, he just barely managed to win by gambling in the final exchange

He named him Gustavo as that name seemed to just fit the thing. He stood up as he walked to the mirror in his room to get a look at his face. Luckily the damage was not permanent as new flesh was replacing the lost parts.

"Be honest Ripper, what does it look like?"

Ripper stretched a bit like he was a cat and walked over to look at it. He licked the injury causing Vander to hold his face in pain. Apparently, the tongue of Raptors was rough like that of cats. Ripper licked his lips as he wanted more of Vander's blood.

"Stay away from my injury."

Ripper's toe claws started to tap on the ground as he walked toward Vander wanting to eat more of him.

Vander sighed at his pets as even the tamed ones were horrible to him. Vander began to send Demonic mana to his face sped up the healing process. That sped things up even further and before long his face was back to normal.

Of course parts of his flesh and blood fell to the ground that Ripper was looking at.

"Eat it if you want. I got to get someone to clean it."

Ripper dived right in which made Vander recoil in disgust. That was still part of his body so he felt a bit gross seeing it get eaten. He shook his head as he started to plan for the increased strength of his familiars.

He could just overwhelm them with numbers, but that felt like cheating. However, he did have to admit that Gustavo had gotten far stronger just like the familiars Vander had tamed.

'So many troublesome situations.'

When Gustavo locked his jaws around his face, he ended the fight by punching his fist through Gustavo's chest. Not a very nice way to end the fight and he felt terrible afterward. However, he knew Gustavo would not feel the same so he did not bother to care either.

He was just glad that the reaming 4 familiars still did not have access to his Demonic Mana. He was doing his damnest to keep it away from them at all costs. He walked toward the restroom that was in his room to take a warm shower.

Ripper licked up all the blood that spilled from his wounds fully. Vander would have to explain why his bed was a mess, but he would just blame it on Ripper. While he was showering he was planning for the increased danger

'I just barely succeeded. If I train in the real world, they will learn through what I do. At the same time, I do as well. I can tell the last 4 are training hard to be able to defeat me as they do not want to submit. That Chromospinus in particular is really out to get me.

He does not care even if he dies with me, he wants to destroy my soul.'

He heard a low growling from that particular creature as it was not going to submit easily. He left it at that as nothing he would now change things. Vander got out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked at the right side of his face and noticed that while it was back to normal he still had a couple of scars.

No, his whole body had gained some scars and they seemed to not want to heal.

'At least they look cool.'

He quickly got dressed and exited the bathroom. Ripper glanced at him and began to follow him. Vander reached out and patted the raptor's side.

"At least I am not alone."

Ripper rolled his eyes at the sad words, but he still stayed at his side. Vander looked at the clock in the hall and saw that it was already 9 AM.

'A little late I guess.'

They started to walk through the big halls of the Gremory estate to explore a little. Eventually, he passed a few maids so he called out to one.

"Excuse me."

When she saw who it was she bowed respectfully.

"What can I do for you?"

"My pet ripped up my bed so I would like to get it fixed. Sorry."

When she heard that, Ripper began to chuff in a laughing tone. Hearing that made them feel a little annoyed, but they still bowed and went to do as he asked. Vander was just going to make sure Ripper did not do it again.

He started to whistle a tune that he still remembered, but not from where.

'A genie or something whistled this I think.'

Vander and Ripper began to walk toward the exit as he felt a trip in the town would do him some good. As he was walking he heard heavy blows and explosions in a training room. His instincts flared and he and Ripper jumped out of the way as a dented metal thing crashed through a pair of doors next to him.

Ripper and Vander looked at the thing that came flying at them with interest.

"Sorry about that."

'I know that voice.'

"La Folia?"

When she heard him she thought that was a coincidence.


"Yeah, I think you got him."

The thing destroyed the wall it hit making it crumble so he glanced at who it was. When the dust cleared he saw a sight that he felt was worth him suffering to get up. It was La Folia in a pair of training shorts and a tank top.

Her leg was extended in a massive kick that sent the thing she was hitting flying. She lowered her leg as she walked out to grab the thing she kicked out.

"Do I win something?"

He thought about it and nodded.

"Sure. Another date with me."

She chuckled as that did not sound bad.

"I am charmed Vander. Hi Ripper."

Ripper squinted his eyes as he did not like her much. He did not like anyone to be exact except Vander to some extent. She picked up the large metal mass that seemed to be made of liquid and solid metal. From the same, he realized what it was.

"Is that a punching block or something?"

She smiled as she placed it back in the training room so she could keep going.

"In layman's terms yes. It is a block of memory metal that turns solid with certain impacts. I designed it myself so that it reflects the impact that you send out or you can increase it to double, or triple. That means you have to overcome your own blow at the same or increased strength to make a dent. Do you know how?"

Vander began to jump in place as he had a good idea.

"Let's see."

In a flash landed a massive kick to where the head should be. La Folia was impressed with his stance. If he hit anyone with a kick like that their head would explode. Even still, the liquid metal did not dent as it did with La Folia and instead the full impact was reflected into his foot.

Vander broke his foot making him look at his leg with a raised eyebrow with the pain. His body began to regenerate as his muscles forced the bones back into place.

"That did not work."

She laughed a little as everyone else gave up after one hit.

"Took me a while to learn it. Want me to show you?"

"No, I got it."

Vander leaped in the air and did a rotating kick this time dented the thing. He still cracked the bones in his foot, but he found the trick behind it.

"So the trick is to focus all the impact on one point to pierce through the reflected blow. You still mess up your arms and legs though."

She smiled as she was glad he caught on so fast.

"Your right. At the point where I am at, I can lay into this thing without that and my bones will be mostly ok. I have been using this since I turned 10 so I have become used to it. In the Underworld, very few Devils train hard so I wanted to be different.

I found it to be a waste to not use the fact I am the child of a Super Devil and the Strongest Queen to my advantage. Who knows, I might become the next Super Devil before long."

Vander was quite interested in using this so he could tank more hits.

"Now what is a Super Devil? That is something I have not heard."

La Folia thought of a way to explain it and found a good way.

"Alright, imagine Devils are Dogs."

He nodded as he liked Dogs. Once he got the picture in his head she said something that made sense.

"Now imagine if a dog just gives birth to a lion. Super Devils are like a species superior to Devils in every way like lions are to dogs. You can imagine it like that and that 'Lion' blood is part of me. Make sense?"

Vander nodded.

"That was simple and easy to understand. Instead of just wasting your innate talent, you decided to use it for yourself. How does your brother compare to you?"

"Milicas. He is an expert when it comes to Energy of Destruction like me, but he did not get any of my mother's talent in ice magic. He is still the son of a Super Devil like me so he does have talent, but he is a boy. I needed to train if I wanted to have any say in what my life would be. Plus, I just like training and beating up people.'

Vander could respect that.

"Alright, kitty.'

Her face went blank when she heard that.

"I regret telling you that analogy."

"Too bad, I am sticking with it. Do you mind if I use this thing? Seems like it would be good for my training."

"I will get you back for that nickname. I will come up with one so annoying and call you that in front of everyone. As for this thing use it all you want. It's here to be used after all. Only my aunt has been too afraid to make use of it as I once forced her to use it. She broke both her hands and I got yelled at by my father and grandfather."

Vander shook his head at how weak-willed she was.

"Guess she will be marrying that guy after all. Oh well, not my problem."

La Folia could not deny it.

"I once kicked his ass when he tried to pressure my parents into engaging us. When I found out I put him in his place by storming his mansion and beating him and his entire peerage single-handedly with only my fists."

He never tried again and neither did my parents. Now, want to see if your familiars or mine are better. Are you interested?"

"What are the stakes?"

She thought about it and had an idea.

"I know, if you win I will give you a vile of Dragon Blood. As my Bashe is part Dragon, I from time to time can take some of his blood and refine it into Dragon Blood that I later feed to him. This has allowed him to keep refining his diluted dragon blood to become even stronger.

I currently have a few bottles I have saved up to feed back to him but I can give one of them to you instead. What if I win?"

Vander had an idea.

"I will teach you a way to make your internal energies stronger. I got a use for that Dragon Blood after all."

He intended to drink it as his High Human cells would benefit greatly from that. They were nearly finished with the Devil DNA that was introduced into him as they had removed all of the worst aspects of Devils. What would Dragon blood do to his body?

As for La Folia, she remembered when he said Demonic something, but he fixed himself. Now she was curious so she agreed.

"Alright, if it is a draw we just do it again."

"I don't intend to lose you know."

"Neither do I."

They both went toward the arena as they were going to have a match of famillairs. It reminded Vander of Pokemon, but more awesome.


They both went back to the training field where they were going to be having their families fight. Grayfia found out they were awake so she went down to check out what they were up to. At the same time, Rias, Sona, and their servants had arrived to train with Vander again.

They had some ideas on how to take on Daisy again, but they would have to wait as they already saw Vander and La Folia there. While they were asleep, both of them had been training by themselves in different ways. It was only chance that they encountered each other and decided to have this challenge.

Just as they were going to go join up with them, Grayfia stopped them. Rias was confused as they were here to train with Vander.

"Grayfia, we need to train with them."

Rias did not want to marry Riser so her focus was on training. However, Grayfia shook her head as if they would just get n the way. Vander and La Folia had similar talent levels so it was best for them to train together than for them to train with Vander.

"I think it is best if you train with each other for now. They are about to have a match and you would just get in the way. If you want to catch you might learn something as well."

Rias knew that they were weaker than the two of them, but hearing that they would just get in the way stung. All her life she had been treated like a princess by her brother and father. She glanced at her niece who avoided her as much as possible and only now did it click to her.

'She dislikes me.'

That was the truth as La Folia did not respect her lifestyle at all. While La Folia took her life into her own hands, Rias had lazed around and only now tried to change things. She had wasted her youth when they could gain the most so her chances of catching up with close to Zero.

While she realized that only now. She watched as La Folia began the process of summoning her familiar as Vander was going to use Ripper. The large raptor began to clack his claws in anticipation as he stood on 2 legs.

Only now that La Folia was actually releasing the full force of her Demonic Power did they feel just how strong she was. She made Rias and Sona look like weak children. Vander squinted his eyes at the pressure she let on as she was even stronger than she let on.

It made him smile as he was happy that such a girl was curious about him.

Do your best Ripper. Win."

Ripper began to growl as massive amounts of dark mist began to emerge from his body. It gathered above in the sky as he started to bloat out the sun. La Folia smirked as she felt that Ripper had so much left to show.

La Folia herself was now excited for a good match.

"Ripper is quite strong, but so are mine."

Her demonic power surged as she filled the magic circle to the brim to bring out her Bashe. Only now did Rias, Sona, and their servants feel just how much Demonic Power La Folia had. It was magnitudes higher than all of them combined. The very ground was shaking just from the pressure.

Once the circle was complete, a massive creature began to slink out of it. Most of its body was covered in thick black scales with a red band running from the corners of its mouth to the tip of its tail. The head was snake-like but looked more what you would imagine a dragon to look like.

A moth full of venom-dripping teeth snarled against Vander's familiar. The massive draconic snake was over 35 meters in length which were even bigger than Daisy. Under its scales, thick corded muscle rippled as it got ready for a fight.

Againt it was Ripper who while large was tiny compared to the large serpant. Still, size was not everything when it came to magical creatures as even now Ripper was not afraid. His toe claw lacked on the ground as the sun was fully bloated out.

Here, Ripper was king and he would show this reptile why he was not to be understimated. Now that the smoke screen was in place Rias, Sona and their servants could not see iniden. Grayfia waved her hand and used a magic mirror to let them look inside.

Sona looked at both familiar with interest as she wondered how many Evil Pieces it would take to convert them.

"What are those things? That snake feels like a dragon to me and the creature against it feels evil in a way. Those shadows seem toxic to me."

Grayfia knew Ripper and how strong he was, but her daughter was different. She had kept her familiars a secret from everyone except for the Demon she had. She often asked the alchemists to purify some blood to extract dragon blood, but they didn't know what she needed it for.

"Ripper is from a alternative space so we don't know what species he is. Only that he is a master shadow user and deadly quick. As for the snake, I have no clue."

She has kept her pets hidden even from us so I am quite curious as well. She wondered what Ripper would show her. La Folia placed her hand on the giant snake's head as she looked at Vander's familiar. While Ripper was smaller, he was not any weaker.

Vander reached out and placed his hand on Ripper's side.

"Now that is a snake?"

La Folia was looking at Ripper with curiosity.

"His name is Leonidas. I have hand-raised him since he hatched from his egg and purified his dragon blood as much as possible. At this point, he is a half-dragon so give me your best."

"I intend to. Ripper, earn your name."

Ripper condensed the shadows around his body to form a type of beast armor for himself. His whole body was covered in it, bt it did not weigh him down. It only made him stronger, faster and better at what he was about to do to Leonidas.

Both Leonidus and Ripper locked eyes with each other with considerable hostility. They roared at each other while their aura's flared to the max. The two roars caused shock waves that reached all the way to where they were being watched.

Kiba had to stab his sword into the ground just to not be pushed away while Koneko, Akeno and even Rias grabbed on to him to not be launched away. Kiba felt weaker than ever right now as Ripper had grown stronger than before.

"How are they so strong? They are just familiar?"

Grayfia found that foolish.

"Who said familiars could not be strong? These are soul familiars after all."

She waved her hand to make a magic shield to quiet the roars. Koneko clenched her fist as she saw that even the familiars of La Folia were enough to beat all of them.

'Do I have to use that to do anything?'

"Pay attention."

Sirzechs who had been allowed to retire from his decoration duty wanted them to watch. He was also curious about how La Folia had purified the blood of her familiars so much as she never asked for his help. He didn't even know she had a Bashe before this.

Ripper just like Diasy controlled his biology as he stimulated the Indominous Rex cells. His veins began to glow in a darish purple. Demonic Mana began to course in droves in his body as he charged into the shadows in a flash.

Before Leonidus could react, he felt pain in his side. He glanced there and noticed a cut in his scales. Ripper appeared back in front of him with his claws glowing. The wound began to close, but that was just the first of many.

La Folia squinted her eyes at the sight.


Leonidus did not even get a chance to prepare before Ripper did it again. This time he was not going for one attack as he dove back into he shadows. He was attacking from all directions and each time his scales were cut open.

He opened his mouth and began to breath fire in all directions to reduce the shadows around him. Ripper leaped from the shadow to attack, but Leonidus was ready. He caught he raptor in his mouth and crushed down trying to kill him.

Instead, he got a mouthful of toxic shadows that confused him. Ripper cralwed out of the shadows with a cackle making Vander shake his head.

"Don't get cocky."

Around Ripper the shadows began to take the form of shadow clones that he made. Their claws began to crackle with black lightning. They rushed at the snake by diving into the shadow's to attack.

The snake did not want to receive any more wounds so he covered his body in thick ice armor. He thougt that would be enough, but when the first shadow clone attacked his armor was slashed through.

The lightning in the claws melted through his armor like butter. It was even toxic which he was resistant to, but it still was not pleasant. However more and more of the shadow clone began to attack him.

The real Ripper leaped onto the head and drove his toe claw in. Leonidus roared in rage as he slammed his head on the ground launching Ripper away. The shadow mist swallowed up the raptor causing him to vanish.

Leonidas's scales began to leak black sludge which was a type of venom his body produced. It began to solidify into armor while Demonic Power flared as Energy of Destruction gathered around him.

He was done playing and he was going in for the kill. Ripper was all to ready to play with him as he was determined to kill this snake today. La Folia and Vander had little control now that their famillairs were going mad.

Blood and Shadow lightning began to gather around Ripper as he fused the two into one more deadly one.

"Vander, should we stop? They might really kill each other."

Vander nodded.

"I would."

Both creatures glared at the other as they were not willing to let this go. Leonidus had the pride of a Dragon while Ripper was just determined to cause pain. They charged at the other anyways.

Dragon fire erupted from the snake's jaws mixed with Energy of Destructions. He fully intedted to wipe Ripper from the face of the Earth, but Ripper was ready for that. Fire caused shadows and Ripper dived in.

He appeared above the snake's head as he slammed his claws down. A explosion of multicolored lightning exploded right in the snakes face launching him backwards. La Folia dodged out of the way as he cackled at the sight.

Leonidus was not harmed much, but his pride had been wounded. He rose up and charged right at Ripper insteanding to eat him. Sadly for him, La Folia returned him to the famillair space.

"Sorry about that."

Vander shook his head as he looked at Ripper.

"No worries, when you get creates like these it is hard to control them. But I think I won kitty."

She grumbled at the name Vander sent Ripper back to the space. That caused the shadows to Vanish so she walked toward him. She sighed as she sent some Demonic Power into her spatial ring. A vial of Dark red blood emerged in her hands.

She handed it over to Vander who looked at the liquid that was full of power. He could feel his own cells hungering for it. If his body could improve the Devil species, what could it do with Dragon blood.

"Thanks kitty."

"I can still kick your ass you know."


He dropped the vial into his shadow as they bot started to walk away. Before they left, Rias called out to them.

"Vander, can we train with Daisy again?"

Vander sighed.

"Maybe later. I got something to do."

La Folia remember what she wanted to do.

"Come on, I will take you to our lead blacksmith and they will make you what you want."

"Great. I got plenty of material to use."

Rias sighed as she started to feel the pressure of the impeding marriage with Riser. She needed to train harder than ever if she wanted to have any chance of not marrying him. Without Vander she decided to just practice with Sona and her peerage as both of them felt weak.

If they wanted their dreams to succeeded, they both had to put more effort than they had been putting.

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