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Chapter 17: Team Girl Power + Zan 8

"So just how much of that was true?" Bumi asked when I turned around, staring at me, eyes serious.

"All of it actually, it might have a bit of my bias on it, but it's all true nonetheless," I replied, before snapping my fingers, "Hey, you're ancient aren't you. Do you know if Kiyoshi or Yangchen are sexy under all those clothes?"

"I'm old, but I ain't that old," Bumi snorted, "Really, you young'uns these days are only interested in pretty girls."

"Guilty." I shrugged.

Bumi sighed, "So Aang will be fine then?" he asked after a moment.

"The only outlier in the visions I saw, is me, and I don't think I've changed to much to the point where things would go crazy," I replied easily, "Besides, while I'm not strong enough right now, I'll grow quickly, and if Aang really needs it, I'll go kill Ozai myself and let him take the credit."

"Hoh, that's some promise to make." Bumi hummed.

"I've got my own life to live and things I want to do so I can't go with him, and believe it or not, but this war, this entire world even is small time, I'll be leaving someday soon, thanks to the abilities I got from that dragon spirit," I replied, "But Aang's a nice kid, and he doesn't deserve all the crap he's dealing with right now. And if it keeps up the way it is, by time he dies he'll have three kids, two of which that hate him for not spending enough time with them for not being Airbenders and favouring his youngest airbending son over them."​

I looked Bumi in the eye, "For all he went through, I think it was a pretty shitty ending, and at the very least, I'll clear up my own mistakes, so if anything I've done causes things to go wrong for Aang, I'll deal with Ozai myself when I'm strong enough, and you can let your friends Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Pakku and my own teacher Master Piando know that once you finally decide you're tired of being stuck in that metal coffin and bust yourself out."

Bumi eyed me thoughtfully for a few moments before laughing, "So you even saw all that as well huh?" he said, "You've got some gumption kid, I like it."

(Gained 30 Reputation with Bumi.)

(Gained 20 Affection with Bumi.)

"Yeah, now I need to sell my little act to Azula so don't be to mad about this." I grinned and walked over to him cracking my knuckles.

"Oh, what are you going to-" Bumi's eyes went wide and he stopped talking as my fist caught him in the temple, "Ow, jeez whippersnapper, can't you knock me out a little more gent-"

He was cut off by my fist smashing into his temple again. Only to complain...again. It took me eight punches while he was restrained to knock him unconscious.

'What a fucking monster of an old man.' I gaped, shaking out my knuckles. I looked down at them, to see the blood dripping off of them. Not Bumi's, but mine. I split my knuckles on his temple, fuck it feels like I broke them.

(You have Defeated King Bumi! Gained: 1000 Experience Points!)

(You have Levelled up!)

(You have levelled up!)

"Well now isn't that something?" I grinned. I didn't realise I'd get the experience for defeating him, with him all bound up like that.

Just then, another screen appeared in my vision.

(Quest Complete!)

(Option 2: Make sure Avatar Aang and his friends escape. Complete!)

(Hidden Objective: Meet and gain a good standing with Aang. Complete!)


(Gained 800 Experience Points!)

(Gained 2 Gacha Tokens!)

(Gained Minor Strength Crystal(Rare))

(Gained 30 Reputation with Katara And Sokka!)

(Gained 20 Affection with Katara!)

(Gained 10 Affection with Sokka!)

(Gained 40 Reputation with Aang!)

(Gained 25 Affection with Aang!)

(You have Levelled up!)

'Woah, woah what the fuck!' I went wide eyed at the mass amounts of notifications I got for completely the quest. Christ man.

First things first, before anything else, I went to my inventory and checked out the minor strength crystal.

Minor Strength Crystal(Rare): Upon use, gain a permanent boost of three to the strength stat.

Oooh, nice! I quickly used it, and laughed when I felt my muscles thrum with strength.

I brought up my status screen and whistled. My stats were looking mighty fine now. My chi points even reaching over three thousand thanks to the twenty percent boosted provided by Sozin's Style Fire Bending. And I had fifteen points to spend.

I decided to spread them about pretty evenly. Four into strength, endurance and dexterity and three into luck.

Name: Zan

Race: Human

Level: 8 (578/801)

HP: 3200/3200 (160 Regen per minute)

CP: (2600) 3120/3120 (120 Regen per minute)

Strength: 37 (40.7) (42.7)

Endurance: 32 (35.2) (47.2)

Dexterity: 30 (36) (37)

Luck: 11

Stat Points: 0

Gacha points: 3

As I looked over my stats, I couldn't help the massive shit eating grin that split my face. I'd grown massively, and the perks Herculean and Endurance Beast were finally beginning to show some really nice additions, not to mention the dexterity boost I got thanks to equipping two swords with my expert swordsman ability.

With this, I'd just jumped up massively and felt more confident than ever if I needed to take Azula on. Not that my newly buffed abilities would help me all that much should I get jumped by Ty Lee, except maybe for making a break for it.

If I ever have to fight Ty Lee while I'm this low level, I'm totally just gonna use jet propulsion to get high in the air and just roast the entire area underneath me. Right now, close combat is suicide against her.

Putting those thoughts out of mind, I reached down and grabbed the unconscious, imprisoned Bumi. When I did though, I noticed that my knuckles were once again immaculate and fully healed, 'I'll need to be careful if I level up around anyone else while I'm injured.' I noted, before heaving the metal coffin and swoll old man up onto my shoulder.

Time to go make up another bullshit story and make myself look even better. I mean, really, what else could I do? It as four on one, the Avatar, a guy with weapons, a water bending master and a ten ton flying air bending bison, and I had to secure the prisoner as well. Really, aren't I just amazing for managing to secure him with those odds? I should be commended for all my hard work!

'Really, the things I do for the ever glorious Fire Nation.' I snorted and began my long trek back up to the governor's home.​

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