Gaming_Fanatic_4396 - Profile



LV 15
2020-04-27 Joined Global

Badges 19

Moments 761


The Egyptians never learn.

Sunny was feeling like he was on the verge of fainting, but forced himself to remain absolutely focused. Behind him, the myriads of dark beetles were already crawling across the shadow bridge. The wave of them were almost halfway across, putting so much pressure on the chains that a few of them were on ready to snap.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree



After thinking for a few moments, Sunny judged that he stood a good chance of breaching the heavy armor of the colossal vessel, provided that he used his most powerful Memories and had enough time. However, there was a big difference between creating an opening that a person could squeeze through and one that a vehicle the size of the Rhino could.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Maybe they are simply trying to create a body strong enough to inhabit by passing down their legacies they will eventually have a perfect vessel and be resurrected

What were divine lineages, exactly? Did they have any purpose except for bestowing their wielders with additional power? Were they just chance remnants of ancient bloodlines, or something that had been left behind for a reason?

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Suddenly reminded of Hugues from full medal


"Sorry, sorry! I didn't… it's just that my daughter is your biggest fan!"

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to Anubesetesh

One could say they dance with death almost on a weekly basis.

"They're not even dancing, they're just… rhythmically gyrating their bodies. It also appears that the proximity at which one is allowed to gyrate his or her body to other participants is representative of their… desirability? Anyway, they all look incredibly stupid."

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to Dingotookmekid

😑 I’m on on book 7

Before he could fully process the implications of this image, Sunny followed a strange instinct. Without allowing himself time to think about it, he opened his mouth, put the phalanx inside… and swallowed it.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree



Safer road... or an unknown path?

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Princess carry for the girl. Sac of potatoes for the boy.

After returning to the site, Jun Wu Xiao hoisted him onto his shoulders and ran back to the cave.

Beginning of Cultivation

Beginning of Cultivation

Eastern · TheCharacter


Can’t wait to find the person that reincarnated with the path of dual cultivation

A question mark appeared in Jun Wu Xiao's mind – he couldn't believe that she couldn't walk. Given her current condition, she could probably defeat another Dao San Qian if needed. But if she wanted to play around, he was willing to play along:

Beginning of Cultivation

Beginning of Cultivation

Eastern · TheCharacter


The man will probably be emperor by the time they meet next. He seems to have the same origin of imortal human emperor in other stories .

"Agreed, let's decide on that. After twenty years, whenever you have your breakthrough, just come here. You can directly find me here, as by then, I probably won't be waging wars but handling official duties." Chu Wu agreed.

Beginning of Cultivation

Beginning of Cultivation

Eastern · TheCharacter



"Ah, no. It's just that I've never been asked about these matters before, so my mind didn't quite know how to handle this situation at first. I was thinking about how to deal with such scenarios in the future."

Beginning of Cultivation

Beginning of Cultivation

Eastern · TheCharacter


They are like 8 year olds trying to come up with an imaginary game. I guess that is what you get when you don’t see people in so long.


Jun Wu Xiao thought for a moment and realized she was right because when she had him pinned down, it was indeed an opportunity for her to attack. He said:

Beginning of Cultivation

Beginning of Cultivation

Eastern · TheCharacter


I feel like some deity ripped fallen cultivators souls and stuck them in this world just to see how they would react. Or the usual plot of their world is about to face impending doom and needed warriors to prevent its destruction.

Jun Wu Xiao did not wonder why she felt this way. After all, he himself had suddenly disliked his own weakness and chose to become stronger. He found Yue Guang quite interesting and asked:

Beginning of Cultivation

Beginning of Cultivation

Eastern · TheCharacter


Déjà vu

Jun Wu Xiao, seeing their cooperative attitude, felt no need to force them. He said, "I will descend from the wall first. Once you all have assembled, we will head to the meeting point. Oh, and have your armies cease-fire to leave a space in the middle for our talk."

Beginning of Cultivation

Beginning of Cultivation

Eastern · TheCharacter

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