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WAFFLE Sect!!!

2019-08-04 Joined United States

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Hahahahah, the first “great wizard” he hears about isn’t Dumbledore, but Lockhart! And he doesn’t have the same bias that he rightfully has the year after in the canon! 🤣🤣🤣 So he’s now imprinted in Harry’s mind a powerful & brave wizard, and a PHILANTHROPIST! 😂

"Gilderoy Lockhart, a magical adventurer and world-renowned author, his books detail many of his adventures. In celebration of his new book release, he has decided to pay for the wands of all new students this year." So Ollivander tells Harry, coincidentally introducing Harry to the first ever famous wizard he has ever heard of. A famous magical adventurer that is doing a tremendous act of kindness.

The Will of Gil (Gilderoy Lockhart SI)

The Will of Gil (Gilderoy Lockhart SI)

Movies · DragonField




Agustus then said, "Alright, here." A box appeared in Agustus's hand, conjured by his power of destruction. Dora took the box and opened it eagerly, only to find a cup in it. The Hufflepuff cup.

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Book&Literature · Agwinz

Replied to ferferfer2

The point is that Dumbledore didn’t recommend him! 👍 Had events played out without MC, he woulda been recommended by Dumbles. But MC probably told Dumbles not to recommend Fudge, thereby resulting in the next name in line to be the listed recommendation.

Dumbledore read the last name. "The final candidate, Cornelius Oswald Fudge, recommended by Arthur Weasley." A silence fell over the room, as everyone stared at Fudge who's mouth was wide open and gasping for air.

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Book&Literature · Agwinz


Then he swapped his son with his polyjuiced mother in Azkaban, who then died - resulting in “Barty Crouch, Jr.” becoming officially ‘dead’ Meanwhile, ol’ Barty Jr. is presently at home, under the imperious curse 🤣 It’s funny how two-faced all these characters are, lol

Lady Longbottom was dissatisfied with Dumbledore, as she blamed him for the fate of her son and daughter-in-law, who had been tortured into insanity by the Death Eaters. She did not like the old man and his lenient approach, and she supported Crouch more, even though his son was a Death Eater. Crouch had not shied away from that fact, and he had asked for a harsh sentence for his son. He had also been a fierce opponent of Voldemort during the first war, and he had a reputation for being strict and efficient.

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Book&Literature · Agwinz


This person is a master of the obvious 🤣 Describing how Fawkes is a fire Phoenix & Skadi is an ice Phoenix, like they’ve just discovered something important, and is sharing this breaking news. 😆

Griselda nodded and said, "That's a fitting name for her. She reminds me of Albus's Fawkes, but with a different element. They are both phoenixes, but of different kinds. Fawkes is a fire phoenix, while Skadi is an ice phoenix. They are both very rare and very powerful."

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Book&Literature · Agwinz


WOW. Brilliant. Robbing his own vault, too… 1: Further reduces suspicion toward himself (not that he would ever be suspected in the first place, but still) 2: Gringotts gives him hush money. FREE MONIEZ! 3: He can use the trip as an excuse to ditch Hogwarts for Diagonal Alley for the day! 😂


As he reached his room, he took out a parchment and a quill and wrote an application for Snape, requesting permission to visit Diagon Alley. He had received a letter from Gringotts, informing him that someone had stolen some Ancient tomes from Peverell family house vault, those tomes were priceless, Agustus was really distressed by this. Agustus wrote letters to goblin chief about the vault and in return they gave him 1000000 galleons in compensation and generous shares of companies in muggle world. Goblins have not revealed about the situation to the people as it would tarnish goblins reputation, the vault of lost Houses were attacked, general people doesn't know about the incident.

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Book&Literature · Agwinz


Yes, gift them some of your stolen loot. Take the heat off yourself 😂😂😂

Agustus nodded and walked towards the manor gate, accompanied by some floating objects. He had brought some gifts for the Greengrass family, who were waiting for him at the entrance.

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Book&Literature · Agwinz


Fudge is “more moderate and flexible”? 🤣🤣🤣 Dumbledore is straight-up using political-speak to say that Fudge is a tool with no backbone 😆

Dumbledore understands that there is no need for an aggressive minister of magic now, as the wizarding world is stable and peaceful. Fudge is a perfect candidate for that role, as he is more moderate and flexible than Crouch, who is known for his harsh and rigid policies. Crouch's strong hate for Death eaters, and Crouch Jr. being death eater didn't set well with the light faction.

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Book&Literature · Agwinz


😂 Yeah right. This lil dummy gonna forget that in 5 mins

Post-meeting, Lucius was impressed by Agustus and advised Draco, "Draco, you must remember to befriend Heir Peverell," to which Draco nodded.

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Book&Literature · Agwinz


Research into what??? This world doesn’t have magic! His research is literally his own knowledge and memories! How can ANY research of his be “lost” or “forgotten”.

After extensive research, he found a lost and forgotten spell formula. This formula had perfect potential to render his enemies powerless and gain an advantage over them. Tom decided to enhance this formula by combining it with his own magical abilities.

Dark Lord in Twilight

Dark Lord in Twilight

Book&Literature · Fatih_Fidan


Hmm, this paragraph intrigues me. “The Creator” had to have sent them here for a reason, not just to show them a ridiculous funny innuendo world. The thing that interests me is the “EVIL dragon” that represents Dumbledore. I hadn’t given it much thought before now, but the sheer fact that we learned how f*cked up their world was supposed to be recently is now making me question whether this is a warning that the Dumbledore of their universe is evil! After all, their version of Voldemort is different from the original version - we just learned he doesn’t have horcruxes! It’s also peculiar how low level Dumbledore is. If not actually evil, then perhaps it’s not actually Dumbledore, but some puppet that Voldemort can control? (Which would explain “evil Dumbledore dragon”, if that is indeed a warning. And it would also make his lower level make sense..?) Eh, idk about the puppet idea, tbh. Also, I think that in the other universe the MC went to, Dumbledore was also the same level, so perhaps that means nothing, and I’m just adding nonexistent details to this theory, lol These are purely random speculations, and I’m probably thinking too much before I actually read this whole chapter. 🤷‍♂️ lol

"As I said earlier, either a kiss from Severus Oleways or a lemon drop from the garden of the evil dragon Dumbodoor. In that garden, there is a Largebone tree on which the lemon drops grow. 

HP: The Magical Gamer

HP: The Magical Gamer

Book&Literature · Kitamari


I can’t even 😆 This is ridiculous. Not sure whether to laugh or shake my head 🤣

'The night Lily Boner was born, a small celestial star fell on their house. Rose Boner, Lily's mother, and Petunia Boner, Lily's elder sister, were the casualties of that celestial incident. But miraculously, Lily and Lowng survived. 

HP: The Magical Gamer

HP: The Magical Gamer

Book&Literature · Kitamari

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